Chapter 1~Birthdays and Bugattis

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I woke with a start; I had had a confusing dream.

I was in the kitchen and Aidan, my brother’s best friend, walked over to my brother, his friends, and I. When he reached us, he took my face in his hands and kissed me. Then Fred, one of my brother’s friend, chuckled and said, “Ewww, Aidan, shes like a sister to us! Do you have to kiss her in front of us?”

“She is my sister, but you know what? I don’t care; she has helped us enough with dating and she deserves to have someone!!” My brother, Brandon, stood up for me. I really do love him.

“I agree with Brandon.” Aidan said.

That’s when I woke up. I’ve been having dreams like this for years, but never had Brandon stood up for me. Aidan was picking Brandon up tomorrow for SAT study group- they are such nerds! It’s the summer!- but then again, he was over almost every day because his mom was depressed and he only gets in the way of the nurse taking care of her. Sigh. His father and grandfather both died in a car crash, whereas she lived through it, she hasn’t gotten over the trauma. This happened when he was seven, ever since then, he has semi lived here, my mom even changed the basement into a room for Brandon and him. He and Brandon had been friends since the meet on the playground on the first day of kindergarten when Brandon dropped his pokemon cards in the wood chips and Aidan caught the holographic Mew 2 before it blew away.

I roll over and look at the clock, 2:36 am, five and a half hours until I have to have breakfast on the table, my mom can’t cook to save her life so I have taken that job over and I’m always trying new recipes and Brandon’s friends always seem willing to taste-test for me. This morning, strangely, none of the guys would be here so I wouldn’t be able to try anything new, but with them coming over after study-group, I decide I will try a new cookie recipe for them. I roll back over and go back to a dreamless sleep.


The next morning, I make breakfast for Brandon and I; eggs and bacon. Brandon talks about the guys coming over tonight. Then the doorbell rings, knowing its Aidan, I let Brandon get it, as I fill the dishwasher. I can hear them talking about poker night, which is tonight. Then I hear steps in the kitchen. As I turn to see who it is, Aidan walks up to me and gives me a hug. It’s very unusual for him to be so direct, and whispers, “Happy 16th Birthday, Dom! Has Brandon remembered yet?” I shake my head no. “Well, let’s see if he even got you a gift.” He had a smirk on his lips, this’ll be good! “Hey, Brandon, do you know what today’s date is?”

“Ummm, July 3rd? Oh, s***! I’m so sorry Dom! I can’t believe I forgot again! What is that? Four years now? Crap!” Brandon nervously apologises.

“If I remember correctly, it’s been six years since you have remembered on your own. But, me being the most awesome best friend ever, have remember a present though. Dom, do you want it now or tonight? It's poker night and if Brandon is smart, he will let you play with us as a birthday present.” Aidan says, smirking as Brandon nods eagerly to this.

“Later, of course, then the rest of the guys will feel guilty because they didn’t get me anything!” I reply, coyly. Aidan laughs at this.

“Of course, why didn’t I think of that? Though I’m pretty sure that they didn’t forget though, last year was harsh on us!” he says laughing. He was talking about when I didn’t get a single present between the six of them and I didn’t talk to them for a month, which translates to none of them having a date for a month, because of their complete reliance on me for dating advice and help. I’m sort like their ‘wing-girl’, at least that’s what they call me.

“They better not! Or its two months this year! I’m baking today, any suggestions? I'm creating a new cookie, so be ready to taste-test! Vanilla or chocolate for the base, I'm thinking chocolate?”

“I think chocolate base for your new cookie recipe, too. Can you make your chocolate cake? Please, I’ll pay your buy-in for poker!” Aidan whined.

“I’ll think about it.” I said just to make him be anxious all day. Of course I would make it, for the fifty dollars of buy-in.

“Aidan, we have to go! What car did you bring?” Brandon asks, not really that interested. Aidan inherited four cars and like, 13 million dollars from his grandpa when he died.

“I brought the Bugatti.”

“Oh my god, you actually brought it? Can I have a ride later?” I screech. The guys cover their ears and wait for me to calm down.

“If I say yes, will you scream again?” Aidan asks carefully. I nod. “Then no.” I feel as though I am going to cry. Wait, I am crying. I have wanted to ride in that car since Aidan inherited it from his grandpa. He must have seen me crying, because he hugged me again and said, “If you promise not to scream, you can. My eardrums can’t take any more screaming. Ok?”

“Thank you so much! I've wanted to ride in it since you got it! Oh my god, I think I love you right now. We’ll go after dinner and before poker?” I tried to calm down but this all came out in one big word. Aidan chuckled.

“Ok. We have study group now, but that sounds like a plan. See you at dinner.” Aidan says as he walked out. I look out the window and see the gorgeous, black and red Bugatti. I nearly fainted, it is so beautiful! So, to keep my mind off the car, I start to bake. I was definitely making that cake now. I think I’ll make Aidan his own cake!

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