Chapter 4~ Taunting and Talking

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When I wake up, I glance at the clock- 6:38 am- good, I didn’t oversleep. I quick hop in the shower, and get ready for the day. I slip on some baking clothes and softly walk down stairs. After almost 2 hours of cooking, I have breakfast finished and ready to be served I quick run upstairs and put on a tank top and shorts. As soon as I walk down stairs, I realize the boys are on time for once and breakfast is set up in the dining room and the boys are waiting for me. “Morning, how is everyone?” I ask politely.

“Great,” Luke replies.

“Amazing.” Says Jared.

“Tired.” Fred yawns.

“Thanks for breakfast!” Brandon hugs me good morning.

“Perfect, because you’re here.” Aidan says. All the boys groan in allusion.

“Hush up! I think it was sweet!” I say on the way over to Aidan, who is sitting in my spot, the head of the table, “but, honey, you're in my spot and you know it!” I push at him to move, but he doesn’t budge. I glare at him until I have a brilliant idea, I’ll just sit on him. I plop down on him and hear a satisfying oomph. “Alright, here's the agenda: we eat breakfast, you guys take showers while I buy clothes, we get all glammed up, go to the party. Any objections or questions? Good. Dig in!” I say, leading breakfast.

The boys start to fill their plates, except for Aidan who is still under me. I fill my plate with bacon and french toast strata and start to eat. As soon as I put my fork down to get a drink, Aidan steals it and starts to eat. I giggle at this. I glare back at him, trying to make my giggles subside. He picks up a piece of the strata with the fork and feeds it to me. In return, I can feel myself blush.

“OK, so what's the plan for tonight?” Brandon quickly says, seeing that I needed rescuing from the probable nagging that would ensue.

“Well, I was thinking that you guys could take the Audi and Dominique and I would take the McLaren.” Aidan finally speaks. My eyes almost pop out, as I squeal in delight.

“Yay!” I clap like a fangirl. I kiss his cheek, “Thank you, baby.”

“What did I do?” He asks confused.

“The McLaren, babe, the McLaren.” I speak slowly, as if it’s obvious. The boys start to laugh. I glare at them in return, mumbling, “You guys are asses.”

Fred smirks, “I know I have a hot ass. But I really don’t think Aiden would like you staring at it.” He winks. The other boys burst out laughing, and I feel Aiden tense underneath me. I cuddle into his chest, flipping Fred off before holding Aiden’s hand with the one not feeding me.

“If you have such a hot ass, why do you need my help with dating?” I ask, nonchalantly trying to hide the smirk. Aiden chuckles underneath me.

“Now quit flirting with my sister and eat the food she so generously prepares for you.” Brandon grumbles, taking a sip of his smoothie. The boys continue to eat until it’s all gone, as always. I stand up, wave my hand at the table and pull Aiden up with me.

“You’re driving me to the mall, ok babes?” I smile adorably, before skipping up stairs to grab my money from last night. Once I get back downstairs, Aiden is waiting for me at the front door. I walk over to him and take his hand into mine. “Boys, be showered before I get home. Eat something decent for lunch, ‘cause we’re going out for dinner!” I call as we leave the house.

After about a 15 minute drive, we pull into the mall parking lot. I lean over and peck Aiden’s lips, “Thank you!” I get out of the car, grab my purse and begin to walk to the stores I know I have to go to. I all but sprint around the mall, picking up skinny jeans here, tee-shirts there, a suit vest at the next store. After spending about $600, loading Aiden up with about 10 different bags, and buying all 8 of us a decent outfit, I decide I’ve had enough. As we walk out of the mall, Aiden seems dazed.

“I don’t know if you’re amazing or insane.” He mumbles as we load the car.

I wink, “I’m clearly amazing. And did you just think that the clothes just appear when I take ya’ll to parties?” I chuckle, kissing his cheek.

As I get into the car, I giggle over the face Jennifer had give me when she saw Aiden’s arm around me. She was the ‘popular’ girl in the boys’ class, and a total bitch. I guess she was pretty, but eh. Everyone knows that he had been turned down by Aiden at least 4 times. But she didn’t seem the get the hint, unlike almost every other girl in school. Aiden didn’t normally date, to be honest, most people figured he was gay, but the guys and I knew the real reason. He didn’t want to get attached to someone, or so he says. I think it’s more that he can’t get attached to new people. No one else, not even the boys, has noticed but he’s  been going downhill recently. It was subtle, but still.

By now, we’ve reached the house. Aiden turns off the car, and makes to open the door. I stop him by placing my hand on his leg, “Aiden, can I ask you something?” I mumble, nervously. I didn’t want to mess up our relationship by asking this too early, but I figured that we had been friends for so long that I could have asked it even if we weren’t together.

Aiden looks at me confused, “Of course, Dom. Always.” He tangles his fingers with mine.

“A-are you ok? I know this is a weird time to be asking this, but you’ve seemed off for a few months, and not your normal spaciness.” I ramble, looking down at our hands. I hear him sigh.

“Yeah, I’m fine. But what brought this on?” He asks, confused.

“I was giggling in my head over the look Jennifer gave me, then I started thinking about the fact that you haven’t dated many people, like ever. Then my mind trailed into the fact that you’ve been acting differently.” I explain, blushing.

“I’m fine, I promise.” He smiles, kissing me.

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