Halloween Chapter: From the Depths of the Underworld Part 1

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Third Person POV

Deep in the underworld, there is a prison and only one prisoner: a monster unlike any other, a harbinger of unholy destruction, identified by the body and wings of a giant bat, a spider's abdomen and legs, the tail of a snake, and a form similar to that of a wyvern. And his name, you ask? He is known by some as the Phantom Kin, but let me tell you, he prefers the name Spectrax. He has been dormant in the deepest depths in the Underworld, where his prison lies for millennia. At least he has been... until now. Another question you may have for me: why now? Because, my friends, on this Halloween night, in Angel Land, when the barrier between the Underworld and the Overworld is opened for the souls, Spectrax cometh. You must read a bit more for answers, dear readers. So come with me, and I will tell you the tale of Spectrax's return From the Depths of the Underworld.
Pandora's POV

I ran as fast as I could to Medusa's chamber. I had to tell her the news about what happened. Finally, I saw her.

"Medusa! Something terrible has happened!"

"What is it, Pandora?" She seemed completely disinterested.

"Medusa, he has escaped! We gotta tell Lord Hades ASAP!" Medusa's eyes widened, then firmed again, brow furrowed.

"I will tell them. Warn Pit and the others now! We need to stop it before it can see the full moon."
Pit's POV

It was Halloween, the one time of the year when the Underworld Army was called up just for fun. Well, not just that. Ever since the Reapers were working overtime five years ago, some souls were left behind, so the traditional Halloween Festival on Earth now includes a trail of moon lilies formed on the lake to guide the lost souls to the Underworld.

We were sitting in Artemis' temple which was moon-related and mostly silver.

"Lady Artemis, I know we're training and all, but can we go to the Halloween Festival?" Nene asked.

"Dad and Gaol have agreed to watch us, so don't worry," Molly added. "And maybe the others can come this year."

"I don't know if we can," Ursa replied. "Someone had to help Lady Artemis hold down the fort."

"I agree." Huntress walked up to us. "But the Chaos Kin is most likely near enough power to evolve once again. If we aren't prepared for anything, then it could take us by surprise and destroy us in one fell swoop. Pit and his friends should go and relax, but they should also take their weapons with them."

"I agree, my old friend. You too, girls. Pit, watch them for me, okay?"

"So what, are you sticking me with a babysitting job?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, think of it as a way to blow off a little steam. You have been extremely stressed ever since we lost Palutena and Viridi a few weeks ago."

"Didn't I say that I don't wanna discuss that?"

"No, you didn't," Magnus replied.

"Oh. Well, I'm telling you guys now, but it should go without saying. Can we just go already?"

"All right," Artemis said. We flew there and decided to give the girls a driving lesson in the GST and Dark Sacred Treasure so they can better use the Lunar Rings and other mobile weapons.

"No, no, the other left!" I yelled.

"I AM going the other left!" Nene shot back. "I'm two years away from being able to get my learner's permit, so are you really sure this is a good idea?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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