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Former WWE Diva Nikki Bella stood outside of the arena where a live WWE RAW was being held.

Tonight was her first night back with her sister Brie.

Nikki was nervous about returning she didn't know how the other superstars and divas were going to react to their return or how the crowd was going to react.

She just knew that she and her sister were ready for this.

They had been away from the business for 13 months and they were feeling better than ever. They were ready to get back into the swing of things.

Brie was more than ready. Being back on the road meant being back on the road with her boyfriend WWE Superstar Randy Orton. Nikki however wasn't so lucky in the love department. She hadn't dated since she had left the WWE and the last relationship she had was with a co-worker.

She had dated WWE Superstar Dolph Ziggler. It hadn't ended too well Dolph had cheated on her with numerous women so it was hard for Nikki to let anyone else in, it really was.

"You ready to head inside?" Brie asked as she stood beside her twin sister.

Nikki looked over at her twin and nodded. she was ready for this so ready. Brie reached out and took Nikki's hand in her own and together they walked into the arena.

As soon as they were inside people were looking at them and wondering why they were back but Nikki was confident in herself and in her sister. The WWE ha asked them back after-all.

They walked through the halls and went to the divas locker room all the divas inside turned to the door and saw the twins standing there and a few looked happy and a few didn't.

Of course Natalya was happy they were back and so was Alicia, Paige and Emma.

(I know Paige and Emma weren't on the roster then but for my story they were.)

Nikki and Brie walked into the locker room and hugged the people who were glad they were back.

Some of them hated that they were back because it meant taking air time away from them, but they would have to deal with it eventually.

"What's going on?" Natalya asked them. "We're back." Brie said.

"We signed new contracts and we're back." Nikki added.

Natalya smiled at them. She was glad her two best friends were back in the company she had missed them a lot. "Anyway, I want to go and see if Randy's here yet. You coming Nikki?" Brie asked. Nikki nodded.

"Yeah I'll come." She said, Brie smiled and she and Nikki left the locker room and they went in search of Randy.

"Oh he's in catering." Brie said after receiving a text from him.

Nikki nodded and followed a giddy Brie into the catering area.

They walked in and Brie spotted Randy sitting beside John Cena, Randy's best friend. Brie went over to him and sat down on his lap and kissed him.

Nikki went over to the table and sat down and cleared her throat trying to get Brie and Randy to stop making out in front of everyone.

"They're getting worse right?" John asked her Nikki laughed and nodded. "Oh yeah. You should see them when we're out to dinner. It's embarrassing." She said.

John laughed. Finally Brie and Randy pulled away from their heavy kissing and petting and looked at Nikki and John who were looking at them. "Finished swapping bodily fluids now?" Nikki asked her sister.

"Whatever. You're jealous you don't have anyone to swap bodily fluids with." Brie said Nikki just flipped her the bird and she got up from the table and went to grab a plate of food. John excused himself and he went over to Nikki.

"It's good to see you. You look well rested and happy Nicole." John said, Nikki smiled.

"Thanks. Taking a break was what we both needed. We got to rest up and everything. It was great. But I am so glad to be back here." She said, John smiled. "Well I missed you." He said. Nikki blushed. "Thanks John. I missed you too." She said. John smiled.

"So I know this might be out of the blue and everything but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out some time and get a bite to eat?" John asked. Nikki stood there in shock looking at him.

There was no way that John Cena was asking her out on a date right? "Hello, Nicole. Are you okay?" John asked after a minute of silence.

"Oh yeah sorry." She said.

"So would you like to go out sometime?" John asked.

Nikki just stood there unsure of what to say.

Should she go out with John or not????


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