The Answer

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Nikki looked at John and saw him expecting an answer. She looked deep into his blue eyes and she smiled and nodded.

"I would love to go out with you sometime." She said. John smiled and leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "So it's a date then?" he asked and Nikki blushed and smiled.

"So I have to go and get ready for the night but I will definitely give you a call." John said Nikki smiled and watched John leave the catering area.

Nikki went back over to her sister and Randy and saw them engaging in yet another make out session and she rolled her eyes.

The two of them were like horny rabbits. Always on top of each other.

She shook her head at their antics and she headed back to the divas locker room. She walked into the locker room and went over to Natalya and sat down with her. "Hey everything okay?" Nattie asked, Nikki nodded.

"Yeah its good being back here Nat." Nikki said Natalya smiled and gave her a hug. "Same it hasn't been the same here since you left and everyone retired." Natalya said.

The locker room was looking deflated since Beth, Melina, Kelly and Eve left the WWE.

"Well we're back now and here to kick some ass." Nikki said. Nattie smiled at her.

"Well let me tell you something AJ isn't pleased you girls are back. She hates you." Nattie said, Nikki looked at her and frowned. "Why? What have we ever done to her?" Nikki asked.

"Nothing. Because she's the champ she thinks she's the ruler of the divas locker room and she's not. She thinks she should have been consulted before you were offered a contract." Nattie said, Nikki laughed.

"Seriously? Its not up to her. I mean Steph came to me and Brie wanting us back on the roster. We're going to be going up against Cameron and Naomi." She said, Nattie nodded.

"Just ignore her. She has a huge chip on her shoulder." She said, Nikki nodded.

"I mean did you see what happened in John and Dolph's match at TLC?" Nattie asked, Nikki nodded.

"Yeah she's crazy pants." Nikki said making Nattie laugh. "So tell me what's new with the Bella's?" Nattie asked.

"Not much just glad to be back here." She said.

She knew she could have told Nattie about the date she and John were going on but she didn't want to. She wanted to keep it between them for a while.

She wanted to have some privacy and she knew a lot of eyes were on John right now because of his recent divorce so Nikki wanted to keep this between her and John and that's it.

It wasn't anyone else's business anyway. It wasn't.

Nikki was really excited about this date with John. They had always been friends since she came into the WWE.

She had never thought of John in a romantic way but he had never been single when she was single, so this was going to be good.

She was looking forward to spending some one on one time with him.

She wanted to see if they had anything in common and if they had a romantic, intimate connection or not.

She really hoped they did because she knew it in her heart that she and John could potentially be very happy together.

That was all Nikki wanted in the world, was to have someone love her and to love someone and to find her soul mate and be happy.

That's all.


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