Prologue (Chapter 1)

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She lives on the streets, living off the only scraps of food she can find.

She doesn't know why she eats, it just satisfies the pain she feels when she doesn't.

She doesn't know her name, her family, or what she is.

All she remembers is living in the alley ways.

She's 16 years old, of course she herself doesn't know that,

She's living off that one drop of sanity that makes her want to stay alive.

Today was the day that she was "found."

She was found by that man.... The man with the long white hair is what she called him.

He dressed in the expensive clothes that she'd seen in those fancy store windows the days that she's sneak out to get food.

He said he was called Karl...or something like that.... She didn't bother remembering because she didn't totally understand why some creatures would call themselves weird words such as "Karl, bob or Stanley."

She didn't know what much meant, some would call her messed in the head or "special."

She didn't like that word, special. It felt unnatural to her.

But anyways, this man took her to his long darkly coloured machine (limo) and took her to a store.

He pointed to a rack of expensive looking fabrics and told her to pick something out.

She was confused, she looked at him with her dull, gloomy eyes and asked him why, he told her that most other people would find her strange if she walked around in a potato bag.

She slowly nodded, still not fully understanding what he meant, but she grabbed a oversized black hoodie and black shorts and was done, he nodded taking the clothes from her and paying for them, he sent her to a public washroom and told her to use the sink to clean herself off and the stalls to change afterwards.

She still didn't get it, why was this man helping her?

She did as he told her so she'd end up looking somewhat normal.

She returned to the limo and the man told her what would happen next.

"You will be living with my 6 sons in their manor, just make sure you are kind and behave or there will be consequences."

You slowly nodded, questioning why his voice got darker at the end of his sentence.

He drove you to this giant mansion, you were amazed at how large the house you were gonna live in was,

The second you stepped out of the limo the man quickly drove off, leaving you alone in front of this eerie mansion.

You payed no attention to him leaving you were just kinda standing there.

Your face showing no sign of life.

You slowly approached the mansion your fate changing every step you took.


Karl takes reader-chan shopping  ( ̄▽ ̄)

Hope you liked this first chapter thingy,

If you like this story better than my last one than PLEASE let me know.

I'll continue the story that you guys want me to continue more.

Thank you!

Phantomhive out~

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