Chapter 1

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     Dipper is on his way back to the Mystery Shack after a day of wandering through the woods. His clothes are covered in dirt and he has a cut on his cheek that is bleeding a bit from a tree branch that had swung out and hit him in the face. He runs a hand through his brown hair, moving it out of his face. He finds a clearing in the woods where there are only a few bushes around. He sits on the ground and takes off his light brown backpack. He unzips it and slips his journal inside it, zipping the bag up and slinging it over his shoulder when he finishes. As he stands up, he hears a rustle come from behind the bushes. Dipper moves closer to it. He now can clearly see a small black top hat poking up through the bushes along with a puff of yellow hair.

"What the-" Dipper whispers to himself. He moves even closer to the bush and pushes the leaves aside. Dipper's eyes widen when he sees the man behind the bush.

"Evening, Pine Tree." the man says.

"B-Bill? Bill Cipher?" Dipper says in shock.

The man bows slightly. "Nice to see you again after quite some time." He scans Dipper up and down. "How old are you now? Fifteen?"

"I-I'm eighteen." Dipper replies.

"My how you've grown, Pine Tree. But you're still the same awkward, sweaty, young boy you've always been." Bill says, a smirk plastered across his face.

Dipper looks down at his own feet. "What are you doing here, Bill?" he asks.

"Well I just came to see you, Pine Tree!" Bill replies, stepping out from behind the bush.

Dipper looks at Bill and blushes. "You've changed, Bill. You're very...human like." he says.

"That's because I am!" Bill responds, holding his arms out as if he wanted to show off his new form. He looks at Dipper. "You're blushing, Pine Tree." Bill says as he tries to hold back his laugh. "Do you like what you see?"

Dipper looks down, bites his lip, and quickly shakes his head.

Bill smirks. "Don't lie to me, Pine Tree." says Bill, lifting Dipper's chin up so he is looking Bill in the eyes.

Dipper shuffles around awkwardly. "Well, it was nice seeing you again, Bill." Dipper says. He starts to walk away, but Bill grabs his arm and pulls him back. He leans closer to Dipper, their faces now only inches apart. Dipper blushes. "Bill what are you-" Dipper starts, but he is cut off by Bill pressing his lips against his. Dipper immediately pushes Bill away. "Y-you're crazy!" he exclaims, a bit startled by Bill's sudden move.

Bill grabs Dipper by his shirt. "Don't act like you don't want it." he purrs.

Dipper pulls away from him. "Leave me alone, you crazy demon!" Dipper shouts. He quickly grabs his backpack and runs off back to the shack, hoping Bill hadn't followed. 

An Unlikely Romance (Human!Bill x Older!Dipper)Where stories live. Discover now