Chapter 5 (Timeskip)

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Five years later, the twins had graduated from college and had returned to Gravity Falls for the summer. Dipper had also gotten a job with the government.

"Ah, finally, summer vacation!" Mabel says happily as she flings open the door to the Mystery Shack. "No more college, no more homework, no more tests, we're home free!"

Dipper follows in behind her, laughing softly. "You do know you still have to get a job, right?" he says.

"Pfft, I'll just open up the Mystery Shack! Just like we used to do every summer!" Mabel replies as she walks backwards into the gift shop part of the shack. She takes Stan's fez of the coatrack and places it on her head. It slides a bit to the side.

"Whatever Mabel." Dipper laughs.

"And what about you?" Mabel asks, putting the jar of fake eyeballs on the counter.

"You know I got that job with the government. Speaking of which, I'm expecting a letter from them sometime soon. I need to know if they're going to need me for a job in Washington." Dipper replies. He takes off his backpack, tossing it behind the counter.

"Ooh, what's in Washington?" Mabel asks excitedly as she bounces up and down.

Dipper crosses his arms. "That's classified." he says.

"Aww, c'mon bro bro. Can't you tell your sister?" Mabel pleads.

"Do you not understand the meaning of classified?" Dipper replies, raising an eyebrow.

Mabel crosses her arms and frowns. "Hmph. Fine, don't tell me." she says. She picks up her backpack along with Dipper's. "I'm going to go put our stuff in our room."

"Alright Mabel." Dipper says. Mabel picks up the rest of their bags from behind the counter and hurries upstairs. Dipper sits on the gift shop counter, taking off his hat and dropping it behind the counter. He sits for a minute then he hears a knock on the shack door. Mabel had also heard it.

"Bro bro, can you get that? I'm busy." she calls from upstairs.

"Yeah." Dipper calls back. "I got it." He walks over to the door, twisting the knob and pulling it open. "Bill!" he gasps.

Bill smirks. "Welcome back, Pine Tree." he says. Dipper hugs Bill tightly, practically tackling him. Bill chuckles. "Did you miss me?"

Dipper smiles widely. "Of course I missed you! You're my boyfriend!" he exclaims, still hugging Bill.

Bill laughs, hugging Dipper back. "So how was school?" he asks.

Dipper slowly pulls away from the hug. "It was good. Got good grades, of course. And I have that job with the government." he replies with a smile.

Bill nods. "I'm proud of you, kid." he says, smiling back at Dipper.

Mabel comes running downstairs, Dipper's cell phone in her hand. She rushes over to her brother, holding his phone out to him. "It was ringing." she says.

Dipper nods. "Thanks Mabel." He checks his missed calls, seeing that one of the agents he works with had called. He looks up at Mabel and Bill. "Excuse me a second. I'd better call him back." Dipper says before walking out the door and sitting on the couch on the porch of the shack.

After a few minutes, Dipper comes back inside. Mabel looks over at him. "What was that all about, bro bro?" she asks, bouncing up and down a bit.

Dipper slips his phone into his back pocket. "One of the guys I work with called. They're going to need me for that job in Washington. They sent my plane ticket in the mail. I leave tomorrow." he replies.

Mabel frowns a bit. "You're leaving? But we just got here!" she pouts.

Dipper sighs. "I'm sorry, Mabel, but they need me. Don't worry, I'll be back next week." he says.

Mabel bites her lip, nodding slowly. "Okay..." she whispers.

Dipper looks at Bill. "Don't kill anyone while I'm gone." he says with a laugh.

Bill laughs. "I'm not making any promises, Pine Tree."

Dipper laughs lightly, rolling his eyes. "Whatever, Bill." he says. He sighs softly. "Well I should probably start packing."

Both Bill and Mabel nod. Dipper gives the two a soft smile before heading upstairs and into his room.

The next morning, Dipper wakes up at six-thirty in the morning so he would still have time to get ready and catch his flight at eight in the morning. He quickly changes into his red t-shirt and skinny jeans, grabbing his suitcase and heading downstairs. He sees Mabel, who had been up for about fifteen minutes prior to Dipper. She had already made pancakes, a plate sitting on the kitchen table. Dipper clears his throat. "Morning, Mabel." he says.

Mabel turns to him. Oh, morning, bro bro!" she says happily. "I made you pancakes!"

Dipper nods. "Where's Bill?" he asks.

"Still sleeping probably." Mabel replies, turning to the coffee machine on the counter behind her. "Want some coffee?"

"Sure." Dipper replies. He sets his suitcase aside and sits down at the kitchen table.

After a minute, Mabel sets down a cup of coffee in front of her brother. "There ya go!" she says happily.

"Thanks." Dipper says with a small smile. He takes a sip of the coffee.

Soon, Bill comes downstairs. He slowly walks into the kitchen, yawning. "Morning Pine Tree, Shooting Star." he says.

Dipper looks at Bill and smiles. "Morning."

Bill sits down next to Dipper at the kitchen table. "You leave today, right?" he asks.

Dipper nods. "Yeah." he replies, grabbing the plate of pancakes and sliding it closer to himself. He takes a bite.

Bill gives a nod, leaning back in the chair.

Mabel sits down at the table across from Dipper. "Hey, don't eat all of it! Save some for me!" she giggles.

Dipper laughs, sliding the plate to Mabel. "I wasn't that hungry anyways." he says, shrugging. He takes another sip of his coffee. Dipper looks at his watch. It's seven in the morning. "Crap, I'd better get going." he says, standing up and grabbing his suitcase.

Mabel stands up. She hugs her brother. "I'll see you soon. Love you." she says.

Dipper hugs her back. "Love you too, Mabel." He pulls away from the hug after a few seconds.

Bill walks over to Dipper. "Just be careful, kid." he says, wrapping his arms around Dipper's waist and pulling him into a hug.

Dipper nods. "I will." He presses his lips against Bill's. "Love you."

Bill gives a soft smile. "Love you too, Pine Tree." he says.

Dipper smiles, slowly pulling away from the hug. "Well, I'll see you two next week." he says. He starts to walk out of the shack, turning around and giving a wave before walking out the door and getting into his car. He drives off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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