241. The Nerd and I

168 2 0

Author: peachylemonsquare (formerly strawberrypetalshake)
Parts: 52, Completed
Content: Mature
Main Cast:
Matthias Blaise
Earl Harrison
Views: 1.87M
My Rate: 10/10


His name is Earl Harrison. A typical high school student, living a normal life. Everything is going well in his life, except for the fact that he's being bullied in school, not being loved by his family and well basically - he's all alone. He thought that "Hey, I can endure this. I'll just past high school without being noticed, work a job that fits me and maybe someday, I'll find a family of my own." But what will happen, when the school's most BAD-ASS, JERK and not to mention - PLAYBOY, Matthias Blaise, decides he'll make Earl's life a living hell? What will happen to poor little Earl?

A rocky love story with lots of twists, action-filled comedy and drama.

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