Ch.1 I Don't Know

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Ch.1  I Don’t Know 

So I heard I was being paired up with a 16 year old. Great another year I can lose. It’s probably gonna be like teaching a 5 year old. Why do they have to do this to me. Val was thinking in the dance studio before he heard his new dance partner Zendaya came in. “Heyyy” Zendaya said with a smile on her face that could and did light up the room. Man she was beautiful. Val thought to himself. He knew she was 16 but couldn’t help it. He didn’t even remember thinking about how it would be like teaching a 5 year old. Then he thought “what am I even thinking I’m in a happy relationship with Kelly and she’s to young for me anyway” and with that second he stopped thinking about her...... for now.

“Hi!” Val said a little too loud. Way to make a fool out of yourself he thought. She walked closer about to give him a hug.

“Zendaya. Nice to meet you.” She said with a warm smile that filled Val’s heart. 

“Hug?” Val had to ask. He couldn’t help it. She was going to hug him anyways. She smelt like vanilla. His favorite. Kelly smells like beer. Probably because she goes out to parties too much.

“Hug it out” She said which made Val giggle so adorable it made Zendaya smile.

With that Val said she was beautiful and Zendaya acted surprise which he knew she shouldn’t be because anyone with half a brain knew she was drop dead gorgeous. Val knew there was going to be an awkward silence if he didn’t say anything so he asked her how old she was but Val already knew.

“I am 16” Zendaya said hoping this didn’t change anything. But it did.

“I-I take that back” Val said even though he really didn’t. Zendaya shrugged it off hoping she could change his mind later. Val knew that if he kept thinking like this Kelly would kill him and maybe even her.

Zendaya went over to get the enveloped where they told them what dance they had. “Drum roll please” Zendaya said about to pull out the envelop. Val did as she said. 

“Contemporary, wow” Zendaya said a little surprised. 

“On the first week” Val was just as surprise as she was and they were both thinking about the same thing. Val’s contemporary routine with Kelly was filled with sexual moves and they both didn’t know how they was going to pull that off without Zendaya’s dad killing him. “Okay. I guess we should get to work” Zendaya said and skipped over to the middle of the room and began to stretch. 

Rehearsal went smoothly. Neither one of them knowing that there eyes met more often then expected. 

“Posture. Posture.” Val nagged. Zendaya’s only trouble was her posture. She couldn’t help it, she was teen so slouching was normal posture for her. 

“Okay, like this?” She questioned while they were working on their contemporary routine. She twirled into his arms and landed perfectly. 

“Perfect” Val said 

By that time Zendaya and Val already had their own hand shake. What could they say it was there thing. “So it’s getting pretty late we should probably get going” Val said heading over to get his bag. 

“No. I need to make this perfect.” Zendaya pleaded. She was always a perfectionist. Everything she did had to be perfect or close to it.

“Zendayachka, don’t push yourself too hard. We’ll work on it tomorrow okay?” Val said in his sweet Russian voice. 

“Fine.” Zendaya said then shrugged. Zendaya’s phone started to ring. Then Val’s phone started to ring. “Hello. okay I’ll be right out I just need to get my bag and say bye to Val.” Zendaya said as she said bye to her dad. Her dad was outside in the car waiting for Zendaya. 

“Yeah i’ll be out in a sec.” Val said as he was talking to Kelly saying she was outside waiting for Val. “Was that your dad?” Val asked Zendaya as they were heading out together. “Yeah. So you and Kelly Still together?” Zendaya asked not knowing if it was a too personal question. “Yeah actually that was just her on the phone.”

“Oh” Zendaya sounded disappointed a little but what did she except. Why wouldn’t Val want to be with someone 10 yeas older then him and who still looks like that. “Well I’ll see you tomorrow Zendayachka.” They hugged and right when they let go their eyes connected and it felt well like magic as Zendaya described. “See ya Mr. Grumpy Pants” They both laughed at the nickname Zendaya gave to Val. “Yeah see ya.” Was the last thing Val said before she left. The thing Val loved most about Zendaya was her big brown eyes. He could stare at that all day if he could’ve. Wow was the only thing going trough his mind when he was walking to there car............. just wow.

“So how was rehearsal?” Kelly asked as Val got into the car. “It was fine ya know. She’s great.” Val said avoiding eye contact with her. “Working with a child haha good luck with that” Kelly joked but Val didn’t like the idea of her calling Zendaya a child. To be fair she was not even close to being a child.“Don’t call her that. She’s by far not a child. She’s very mature for her age. okay?” Val pleaded “Okay, sorry. I didn’t mean anything by that.” Kelly said surprised at what he said. Val just looked through the window the whole ride home thinking to himself. Thinking to much he thought. They didn’t say a word the whole ride home. Just silence.

When Zendaya got home she was thinking about Val. She has never been so confused. Did she like him? Did he like her? Is there anything going on? She didn’t know and she didn’t think it matter anyway. He was with Kelly and that was it. Just that.

 When Val got home he went straight to bed. He had enough of thinking and just wanted to rest. “Bed already?” Kelly asked as they got inside.

“Yeah. I’m pretty tired.” Val said as he was walking to they’re bedroom. “Okay. Well I’m gonna go take a shower, You can join if you want.” Kelly said giving Val a little kiss. “No, I’m fine.” Val said and started to drift off already. “Fine then. Night.” Kelly said a little disappointed. Somethings up with him, Kelly thought as she was about to head in the shower. I wonder and with that her thoughts filled her mind. Did Zendaya do something? Did she do something? Are Val and Zendaya a thing? but she didn’t know. Who is Zendaya she thought to herself. Who is Zendaya Maree Stormer Coleman. 

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