Ch. 3 Why's and I Love You's

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Ch.3 Why's and I Love You's

Kelly woke up around 12 P.M. She got up, took a shower and went to get something to eat in the kitchen. Then all of a sudden she heard a knock on her door. She wonder who would come to visit her. She opened the door and was surprised. “Mike?” Mike was Kelly’s ex. He broke her heart last year and just left her. She really loved him but she didn’t know how he felt and that night she knew. “What are you doing her?” Kelly said stepping back as he walked inside. “You shouldn’t be here” Kelly said not wanting to look in his eyes or all the memories would come back. “I’ve missed you Kelly. I need you.” Mike said grabbing her hand. A tear went down Kelly’s eye and she pulled away. “No Mike. Do you have any idea how you made me feel that night? What happened to forever and always Mike? And I’m with Val now.” She started to walk away wiping her tears but Mike grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. “Kelly I am sooo sorry. I was a jerk. I was young and stupid. You mean everything to me Kelly. I mean it. Val’s just another guy. You and me are forever and always.” Kelly didn’t move away from him. She didn’t want to deny the fact that she still loved Mike. “Mike please.....” She said. Then Mike kissed her. She didn’t pull back or anything and she felt that spark she didn’t get with Val. She felt like this was right.

After rehearsal Val didn’t know what to do so he thought he’d surprise Kelly. He went up to his apartment and opened the door. Then to his surprise he saw Kelly and Mike. “Kelly?” He felt like his heart just sank. “Val. Oh my god. It’s not what it looks like.” Kelly didn’t know what to do. Mike just stood there in shock also. Val wanted to punch someone......hard but he didn’t he just walked away. “Val!” Kelly went after him and Mike followed. They were in the parking lot. It was a windy day and Kelly was shivering. Kelly grabbed Val’s hand which made him stop. “Val wait” Kelly said and Val stopped. “What.” Val said while trying to hold back his tear. “Let me explain.” Kelly said “Why? So you can tell me how you “loved” me, how we promised to be to together forever?” Val pulled away from Kelly’s griped. She didn’t know what to saw. “You look cold. Why don’t you go ask your new damn boyfriend to keep you warm?” Val said and got into his car but before he could Mike stopped him. “Why don’t you just grab your shit and leave us cause we all know she doesn’t love you anymore?” Mike said “You got what you wanted so just back the fuck off.” Val said and gave him a little shove because he was in his way. Mike pulled his shoulder causing him to get out of the car. “I should but I think I’d rather beat the shit outta you.” Mike said putting his hand into a fist and punched Val........hard. “Mike!” Kelly said as Val started to bleed. Val anger rose even further he wanted to beat the shit out of that guy so bad. Val wiped the blood off his face. “Next time you’d learn to fuck off!” and with that he punched Mike. His anger just flooded. Why couldn’t he do that. He stole Kelly from him. He deserved that. “Val!” Kelly said but they both ignored her. He could see that Mike wanted to hurt Val but he got into his car and Kelly stopped him. 

Val started to drive. He didn’t know where he was going he just didn’t stop. It was 4:30 and he had to be at rehearsal with Zendaya at 5. He thought maybe a drive downtown or something could help clear his mind. He kept think of Kelly which didn’t help. He didn’t want to but he couldn’t control it. He then started to think of Zendaya. Her adorable smile, her laugh, her face, her hair, her smell and those big brown eyes he’d just loved. His eye was still bleeding and was dripping from his eye. Mike hit him pretty hard. He then decided to go to rehearsal early and hoped that dancing could clear his mind. Maybe his break up with Kelly was a good thing. She always kept dragging him. Maybe it was for the best.

Zendaya was in the car about to go to rehearsal. It was 4:45 and she was almost there. “Are you sure you don’t want anything before rehearsal?” Kazembe asked as he was driving his daughter to rehearsal. “Yes I’m sure dad.” Zendaya said a little annoyed cause that was like his 3rd time asking. They got there at around 4:50. “Have fun sweetie.” Kazembe said before his daughter left “Thanks dad but it’s working.” Zendaya joked Kazembe laughed and realize that his daughter was growing up. “Bye dad.” Zendaya said then left. Zendaya went inside to find a broken Val just sitting there. He looked pretty beaten up. His eye was throbbing and blood flowed down his face. “Val, oh my god. What happened?” Zendaya said rushing towards him with her towel. “Zendaya oh I didn’t see you. We should probably get to rehearsal. This is nothing you know.” Val said not wanting Zendaya to know what just happen. “No, it’s something. Are you okay?” Zendaya said and started to clean up his face a little. She thought why would someone do this. “I’m okay Zendaya, you don’t need to worry I’m fine.” Val said trying to fake a smile but Zendaya saw right trough that. “I’m an actor Val I know when you’re faking.” Zendaya said and Val just sighed.  “Val you know you can tell me anything. Right?” Zendaya said and leaned closer to Val still cleaning his face. Val loved how he could tell Zendaya anything. “I know Zendayachka.” Val said really soft. Zendaya smiled which made Val smile. He told Zendaya everything that happened between him and Kelly. For some reason he felt conformable talking to her. He just felt a connection that no one else could ever give him. Zendaya noticed he started to tear up a little so she wiped it with her finger. “Val I’m so sorry.” Zendaya didn’t know exactly what to say but sorry. Val got closer to Zendaya curling up into her. “Don’t be Zendayachka. She probably didn’t love me anyways and I don’t wanna be in a relationship where she doesn’t love me back.” Val said “Did you love her?” Zendaya asked wondering if he felt the same way she felt about him. “I don’t know any more,” He looked in Zendaya’s eyes. “I do know that we weren’t meant to be but I know for a fact who that special someone is.” Val took one of the biggest chance ever. He was about to tell Zendaya that he loved her. Zendaya didn’t know who he was talking about and if it wasn’t her she wasn’t gonna get in the way of his happiness. “Who?” Zendaya said really soft. Then Val said it. “You.” He wasn’t gonna hold anything back. He loved Zendaya and he couldn’t keep that inside of him anymore. He loved Zendaya more then he loved anything in his life, she was his Zendayachka. “M-m-me” Zendaya said a little surprise but her heart was filled with joy. She couldn’t believe the guy she thought she’d never get a chance with loves her. Val loves her. “I-i love you too Val.” Zendaya said. Those where the happiest words she’d ever said. “You do?” Val said a little shock. He couldn’t believe the woman he loved ever since they met loved him back. He felt like the happiest man alive. His Zendayachka loved him back. “I’ve liked you ever since I first met you Val. You’re the only one who makes me feel safe, conferable, and loved.” She said and putted her hands on his. “I love you Val more then anything.” Zendaya said. Val looked her in the eyes. “Zendayachka.......” Val said leaning a little closer ever second. “Yes.” Zendaya said then Val did it. He kissed his Zendayachka. Zendaya didn’t hold anything back. She didn’t care if people didn’t agree or that people thought it was wrong because it felt right to her. That was the most passionate kiss ever. They felt sparks and never wanted it to end. Just when they were about to stop Kelly walked in. “Val?” Kelly said and started to get confused and mad at the same time. “Oh shit.” Val swore. How can he deal with this now.

Broken Promises to New Promises (Valdaya fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant