Ch.2 That Feeling

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Ch.2 That Feeling

Kelly practically stayed up all night thinking about who that Zendaya chick is and from her perspective she knew she wouldn’t like her. She laid next to Val admiring his features and just thinking about what would happened if everything changed. If they broke up, if he left her, if he’d hurt her. She didn’t want that to change. She liked Val a whole lot but thinking about him dancing with another girl and acting different around her she couldn’t take that. She felt like if he kept acting like that she’d feel like she was in a quicksand. Pulling her down but just enough for her to barely breath. His love that wasn’t real just covering her. She just didn’t know. 


Zendaya’s parents could tell she was really sleepy when she got home from rehearsal so they held off the questions till the morning and let her sleep. Zendaya woke up to the same feelings and question she had right before she went to bed. She felt like she was going crazy. She kept asking herself why did she feel different with Val. She had guys fall for her before but she never knew what it felt like to fall for someone and she didn’t even know if she was falling for Val. She got up and took a nice long shower to just clear her mind. Just the sound of water and not the sound of her heart telling her how she feels.

After her shower she went down stairs and saw her parents eating breakfast. “Morning sweetie” Her mom Claire said as she was drinking her coffee. 

“Hey mom” Zendaya said grabbing an orange juice and some cereal. She sat between her parents. Her dad Kazembe was on his phone probably look up Val Zendaya thought. 

“So how was rehearsal yesterday? You seemed pretty tired.” Kazembe said as he put his phone down. “It was fine.” Zendaya managed to say. “So Val’s cool?” Zendaya already knew where he was trying to go with this. “Yeah he’s great.” Zendaya said getting up to clean up her dishes. “Does he have a girlfriend or something?” Her mom said which made this conversation more awkward. “Yeah actually it’s Kelly. His last dance partner.” Zendaya said. She felt like a knife just stabbed her and it stung. “Oh” Her parents both said with relief. 

Val woke up still tired and confused on the whole Zendaya thing. He saw Kelly next to him and decided not to wake her. He went to go take a long shower and hoped it would clear his mind a little. He went to go get changed and saw Kelly still asleep. He put on his cloths and went to give Kelly a little kiss before he left. “Stay” Kelly said right before was about to leave. He went back to give her another kiss. “I can’t. I have to get to rehearsal. I’ll see you when I get back. okay?” She sighed then he left. Val got there 5 mins early and started to work on some moves. “Hey” Zendaya said as she walked in the studio. “Hey” Val said and went to go give her a hug. She still smelt like vanilla. “Ready to rehearse?” Val asked and gave her his hand. “Always” Zendaya smiled and took his hand.

They were working on the part where Zendaya jumps into Val’s arms and spins her. She jumped and Val spun her. When he was done spinning her he didn’t let go and he could tell she didn’t want him to. They just stood there in silent. Their eyes connecting, their heart pounding. They didn’t want this moment to end. They liked it just looking into each others eyes. The music just slowly faded away. Finally Zendaya broke the silence. “Like that?” Zendaya asked putting her arm that wasn’t behind Val around his shoulder. Val smiled. “Perfect” He said very smooth and sweet like. Zendaya smiled and Val kissed her forehead and putted her down. Zendaya just stared at the floor afterwards. When she was embarrassed or nervous she just stared at the ground. Val saw that and thought it was very cute. Then Zendaya phone started to ring. “Hello” Zendaya said on the phone talking to her dad. “Okay, I’ll be right out. Bye” Zendaya hung up and went to go get her bag. “My dad’s here. I gotta go to class. See you tonight.” Zendaya said and started to walk away. She was having a second rehearsal later tonight with Val after school. “Did you forget something?” Val said holding out his arms waiting for a hug. “Right how could I forget.” Zendaya said and smiled from ear to ear happy that he wanted a hug before she left. She basically leaped into his arms. He kissed her on the check and she blushed a little which caused her to look at the ground. He lifted her chin which caused her to smile. “Bye Zendayachka”   

“Bye Val” Zendaya said and with that she left. 

Whenever Val kissed Kelly he never felt anything. No spark, just plain nothing. It was like kissing a wall but when he kissed Zendaya even if it was just her forehead or cheek he felt a tingly feeling running trough him. He loved that feeling. It was a feeling only Zendaya could make. Just her. Only her.

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