ch.1: ready to go

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"Jenna, wake up now! You have 30 minutes to get on the road!" I hear my mother yell while walking around the house like a mad woman in her 5 inch heels. As much as I don't want to get out of bed, I remember today I go to my dorm and officially become a college student!

With one last kiss goodbye from my mom, I get in my shitty car and start my 3 hour journey to Michigan State. I'm actually really excited for college! I'm going with my best friend Vivian.

     All throughout high school, people wondered why we were best friends.. and honestly, I couldn't even tell you! We are literally opposites. For example, her ideal Friday night is getting trashed at some party and going home with a some what decent looking guy.. While my ideal Friday night on the other hand, Is watching Bob's Burgers, and reading Interview With A Vampire by Anne Rice until I fall asleep.

      Vivian is definitely not my mom's favorite friend of mine. That's why she doesn't know that Viv is my roommate! I don't plan on her finding out any time soon. Before I know it, I'm pulling in the campus trying to find the coffee shop Viv told me to meet her at.

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