ch.4 Luke

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  It's only three weeks into the school year and I'm already ready to drop out. I'm on my way to my journalism class right now. While looking down and texting Viv, I run into someone. I am literally so clumsy. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." "I'm really sorry, are you ok?" We say at the same time. I am immediately intimidated by his gorgeous blue eyes and perfect hair.  Oh no, I'm starring. I can't look away he's so pretty. Look away, Look away. "U-uh yeah go-good, I-I'm good, yes I'm ok. Sorry I'm so clumsy." I am a mess.
   He lets out a light chuckle like he knows exactly what I'm thinking. "I'm Luke Matthews." He opens a his hand for a handshake. "I'm Jenna. Damian, Jenna Damian nice to meet you." I shake his hand. "Nice to meet you too, Jenna Damian." He says my name slow and I'm pretty sure that I'm now drooling. "I would love to stay and talk but my class started 10 minutes ago and I hate being late." I inform the heavenly creature standing in front of me. "Well then in that case, I'll see you around." Luke smirks as I dismiss myself. I hate walking in late because everyone looks at you and your lucky if the professor doesn't say anything. I walk into class with a textbook in hand. Of course, all eyes are on me, but Professor Johnson doesn't say anything. I find a seat and catch up with the rest of the class. 10 minutes later, the door opens. Another late stu- Luke! Wait what is Luke doing here? "Hi HR told me you were coming, have a seat." Professor Johnson tells Luke. Luke scans the room. When he spots me I give a cute wave and he walks towards the back to sit next to me. "Hey what are you doing here?" I ask him.
   "I got switched out of government because I wanted to take journalism." He smiles "and I'm sure glad I did." Luke smirks. Is he flirting? I don't really know what flirting is so its kinda hard for me to tell when it's happening. "Are you stalking me now?" I jokingly ask. "Oh no, how'd you find out?" He jokes back, We both lightly laugh and I shake my head. Mr. Johnson spends the rest of the hour talking about Shakespeare's childhood. Luke and I didn't talk much the rest of class, while I'm walking out the door I feel a hand wrap around my arm to turn me the other way. "Would you like to get a coffee with me sometime?" Luke is red in the face and both of his hands are shoved in his jean pockets. Something about him being nervous calms me. I bat my lashes a few times, "I'd love to." I respond to his kind offer. His face has an expression of unbelief.
    "Cool, Thursday before this class?" His voice is shaky. Cute. "Can't wait, here's my number." I smile and turn on my heel to leave class.

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