ch.3 truth or dare

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"Who are you?" He rudely asks as I enter the back seat of his dirty black cadillac.

"Oh! I forgot, this is Jenna. She's my best friend." Vivian introduces me.

"Nice to meet you," I smile and open my hand for a handshake

"Hm." He ignores my hand, and looks at the road. Within 15 minutes we arrive at a house, and I can hear the music booming from inside the car. We walk up to the door and when it opens, a cloud of smoke piles out the door, as three drunk girls stumble out the door. In a matter of two minutes, I already have a drink in my hand. But I immediately throw it away.

"Here, follow me, let's go by my friends" Vivian grabs my hands and leads me through the crowded house. I haven't seen Jack ever since we walked in. But Viv and I sit on a couch next to all of her college friends. Most of them are upperclassmen. She knows them all because she went to college parties in high school.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I tell Viv. When I walk in the kitchen I'm immediately lost.

"Where's the restroom?" I ask a random boy.

"Down the hall, to the left" He points in the direction.

"Thank you." I smile. I bump into someone and their drink spills.

"Watch out prudy," Jack spits.

     Jack. Oh my god. Jack. He is way more attractive than I thought.

"I-I sorry." I can't even think. His tattoos run up his arms and a little on his neck. His skin has the slightest glow from sweat.
"Get out of my way." He says. I snap back into reality and step out of the way. There is throw up in the toilet and my desire to go pee suddenly disappears.

        I attempt to find Vivian again, but I have to ask someone where she is. She is in the kitchen with her friends. Jack included.

"Jenna, come join! We just started a game of truth or dare!" She informs me. "Vivian you go first" A voice calls out. "Ok.. Jenna truth or dare." Viv asks. All eyes turn to me.

"O-oh I'm not playing." I nervously laugh and tuck my bangs behind my ears.

"No nuns allowed here!" someone yells. They all laugh. 

"Fine. Dare," I challenge and finish off my second cup of orange juice and vodka.

"Oh nice choice." Vivian smiles. "I dare you to go over to Andrew the weird foreign exchange student, and make out with him." Vivian dares me. She has lost it, she knows I wouldn't do that.

"No way." I say.

"C'mon , J." Vivian pressures.

"Just leave if you're not going to play." Jack says while he takes a drink of his beer. I give them all a daring look, walk over to the Asian boy and kiss him for a good 3 seconds. If I'm being honest, I don't really know how to properly make out with someone.. so an extended kiss will have to do. A few people whistle while I walk back to the group. I have had too much to drink tonight. I've only had two drinks, but I never ever drink alcohol so I'm a very light weight.
      Two more drinks later and Its going on 12:30am now, I hear my phone ring. Oh god. It's my mom. Shit shit shit.

"Hellllloooooo mom," I hold out that hello longer than I wanted to.

"Jenna, hello? Is everything alright?" She seems worried. Why is she worried? "Ye-yes I'm A okie dokie." I slur into the phone. Oh god I'm so sloppy.

"Jenna, have you been drinking?" She questions. I can't tell if she's mad or still worried. Was she even worried in the first place? I don't know.

"Me? No, I'm...... studying.. yeah, studying." Im trying not to freak out.

"Jenna Rose Damian, I did not raise you to be a reckless college student! Go home now." She scolds me through the tiny computer. "Ok buh-bye mama" I hang up. I really should leave. It's late and I have class tomorrow. OH NO! I have class in less than 6 hours. I get off of the couch and look around the room to see if I can spot Vivian.

      I find her making out with a blondie in the corner.

"Hey we gotta go." I pull at her shoulder. "Viv seriously. Cmon." I pull harder.

"Call me sometime." She finishes putting her number in the boys' phone, and I lead her outside.

        Jack is smoking a cigarette on the porch stairs when we walk out.

"Cmon Jackie poo." Vivian is clearly more wasted than me.

"Jeez how much did you have too drink" He puts out his cigarette to help her balance by wrapping her arm around his neck and walking with her.

"He's so cute", my subconscious adds. No. No he's not, He's an asshole. A very good looking asshole. When we get to our dorms, Vivian is out cold. I have no idea how she is gonna get upstairs.

"Viv wake up, we're here." I attempt to wake her. It doesn't work. I shake her shoulder, but she mumbles something and turns her head.

"I got her." Jack takes Vivian in his arms and walks her up three flights of stairs and into our dorm.

"Thank you so much." I say. I start to change with out noticing he's still here.

"Yeah no problem." He dryly answers.   

"Don't look at me." I say while changing.

"Oh believe me, I'm not." He responds rudely like always while tucking Vivian into bed.

"Ouch." I comment in my head. I think.

"Night Janice." He walks towards the door.

"It's Jenna." I correct him.

"Whatever." He walks out.

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