Chapter 2

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The week is going by in a blink of an eye. May had stayed over the entire week. I had one day left, and apparently there was a party tonight. Being the unsocial person I am, I had no interest in going. May really wants to go, plus it would be my last Cali party for a while, so I agreed.

“I still have to pack today. You should help meeee.” I plead with my puppy dog eyes looking at May who was getting a glass of water.

“What will you give me?” She says raising an eyebrow.

“I’m going to this party with you. Isn’t that enough.” I say with a blank look.

“That doesn’t count. I know you want to go.”


“Yes you do,” She cuts me off. “You can deny it as much as you want but I know you want to go. C’mon it’s your last SoCal party for a while. You know they’re the best in summer.” She says brushing by my shoulder walking to the couch. Damn. She was right.

“Fine. I’ll bring you an Irish boy back.”  I say sarcastically. She bursts into laughter.

“If only. Well, we should start now then if we want to get to that party.”

“May it’s 12. We still have like 11 hours.”  I say jumping on the couch. May screams as the glass of water spills all over her. I burst into laughter. I was laughing so hard that I fell off the couch.

“It’s not funny! Clean this up!” She screams.

“What, do you want me to get you a bib so this doesn’t happen next time?” I say still laughing. She looks at me, fuming. This could either go two ways. One, she gets mad and storms out. Two, she laughs along. Sometimes I take my sarcasm overboard with her. Like I said, she’s sensitive. She couldn’t keep the straight face anymore, so she bursts into laughter.

“I’ll get you a towel.” I say getting up from the floor.

“You’ll buy me a new shirt is what you’ll do.” She says following me to the bathroom.

“HA. You’re funny. It’s just water. Besides you can borrow something of mine.” I say handing her the towel.

“Your stuff is too small on me. Remember.” She says wiping her shirt.

“I’m not that small.” I say frowning.

“You go to my nose, Christie.” She says ruffling my hair.

“Don’t touch me!” I say swatting at her hand. I can’t help it that I’m small. I was ALWAYS the smallest in class. It sucks.  “Then I guess you could use my sweatshirt?”

“Alright.” She says as we walk to my closet. I hand her my sweatshirt and take out my suitcase.

“Where to start.” I sigh grabbing everything from my closet.

We had finally finished with a couple hours to spear. “I need food before I die.” May says crawling down the stairs.

“You are so dramatic.” I laugh stepping over her. I grab the phone and look at May.


“Sounds good.” She says sitting on the counter top. I call for the food and sit across from her on the other counter. “So what are you going to wear for the party?” She asks.

“You’ll see.” I say not wanting to explain. She rolls her eyes. The food finally comes and we eat and head up the stairs to my room for the party. I decide on wearing a floral tank top that ties in the front with shorts from Hollister. May wears a sun dress she got from Charlotte Russe. I decide on leaving my hair natural, because the waves actually looked decent. We do each other’s makeup, and by the time we are finished, it’s almost 11.

“Be safe and don’t get home too late!” My mom calls from her room.

“Sure thing mom!” I call walking down the stairs. I throw on my coral colored vans while May puts on sandals.  And with that we head to Chris’s house. When we get to the party, the house was packed. “I don’t know about this.” I mutter to May.

“It’ll be fun.” She says taking my arm and pulling me into the crowd. Everyone was sweaty and I could feel the bodies getting closer to me. I make my way to the kitchen while May was still on the dance floor. Although she is sensitive, she isn’t afraid to be herself. I grab a cup of punch and watch the people around me. Like I said, I don’t really belong at these kind of things. I take a sip of the punch and cringe. This was definitely spiked. I don’t think being hung-over on a flight for 10 hours would be too good.

“Crystal, you made it!” I see Chris make his way over to me.

“Yeah. I don’t think I’m going to stay too long. I have a 10 hour flight in the morning and I don’t want to stay up all night.

“Aw, c’mon you can sleep on the plane. Where’s May?”

“She’s-“ I point to the dance floor where I last saw her, but she was gone. “I don’t know actually. Excuse me, I should go find her.” I make my way around the house full of sweaty bodies. I can’t find her anywhere. I start to get worried as I open every door of the house to find only tons of couples making out and other things I won’t mention. The only places I haven’t checked were outside. I go to the backyard. Still no sight of her. I call her on the phone but she doesn’t answer. I walk outside the front door and see a body sitting on the curb. “May?” I say walking closer.

“Huh?” She sniffs. She had obviously been crying. I run down to her side and hug her.

“What happened?” I say petting her hair.

“Well, I started dancing with this guy and these girls came up to me and told me I was too ugly for him and I should get lost.”

“Jesus Christ, you see why I hate these kind of things. May, you are so beautiful and obviously they were intimidated by you. C’mon we don’t need these low life losers.” I say standing up, holding a hand out to her.

“Thanks Crystal.” She smiles slightly taking my hand.

“What do you want to do? I’m up for anything.” I smile opening the car door.  

“I just rather go home and hang out.” She shrugs sitting in the passenger’s seat.

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” She sighs.

“May, I know something else is up. What’s going on?” She looks at me, knowing she can’t get anything past me.

                “I just- I don’t want you to leave.” She confesses. I release a heavy sigh.

“I know May. It’s not like I’m moving. I’ll be back in September before you know it.” I say driving to my house.

“I know, I know. But this summer was going to be awesome.”

“It still will be.”

“For you! I’m going to be here by myself without you.”

“Don’t look at it that way. This is a new opportunity to get closer to your other friends. Plus, I think Ryan has an eye out for you.” I wink trying to lighten the mood.

“Really? How do you know?” She asks intrigued. The earlier conversation was totally forgotten as we settle on my couch and have another classic Movie Night.


Sorry this is just a filler. Don't worry it gets better ;) - Rachel xx

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