Chapter 3

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I was filled with so many emotions I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I was excited yet terrified. I sat up in my bed, knowing there was no use in getting to sleep. May was happily dreaming away to my right as I go on twitter on my phone. I hear a creak in my door, and see my mom in the entry way.

                “Hi sweetie. Couldn’t sleep?” She asks sitting on the edge of my bed.

“Nope.” I say setting my phone down.

“I feel bad for not asking if you wanted to go. I figured if I asked you would immediately say no, but I really want you to go. There isn’t many times where you get offered to spend a couple months in Ireland. “

“At first I was really upset. But now I’m actually kind of glad. You’re right I would’ve said no, but the more I think about it the more excited I am. But mom, what if they don’t like me? They would be stuck with me for two and a half months.”

“Crystal, they will love you. Everyone does. They are actually really excited to have you. I’ve seen Maura’s sons. The one that’s close to your age is actually pretty cute.” She winks.

“Mom, no. Stop.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“You should try to get some sleep hun. You have to get up in a couple hours.” It was one in the morning, and I had to leave at three.

“There’s no use.” I sigh. She pats my knee and gets up.

“At least try.” She says closing my door. I do try, but I don’t succeed. 

The piercing sound of my alarm fills the room. May grumbles as she pulls the pillow over her head.

“Turn it off.” She growls. I giggle as I slam my hand on the button.  I stroll out of bed and zip up the suit case.

“How are you so awake you are the worst person ever in the morning.” She says sitting up in the bed rubbing her eyes.

                “Gee, thanks.” I say even though it’s entirely true. I am 100% NOT a morning person. “I couldn’t sleep anyway.”

“I see.” She says walking out of the bed combing through her hair. I was in sweats and a sweatshirt with my hair down. I decided to put on jeans, but I kept the sweatshirt on. I threw my hair in a pony tail and lead May down the stairs with my suitcase.

“You want something to eat?” I ask turning to face her.

“Nah, it’s too early.” I nod in agreement. My mom walks down twirling the keys in her hand.

“Ready to go?” She whistles.

“Geez mom if I didn’t know any better I would think you’re happy I’m leaving.” I say with a hint of sarcasm to my voice.

“Oh sweetheart, you know that’s not true. I just want to get there so you have plenty of time to board your plane.” She says. She opens the door and heads to the car. I give May a weak smile and we head out the door behind my mom. It only took about 20 minutes to get to the airport, but it was packed. We walk out of the car and open the trunk. I have two suitcases (Wasn’t sure what kind of clothes I should bring so I took basically all of them) and my carry on which holds my laptop, wallet, and such. 

We got to the waiting area and I look around to see quite a bit of people waiting.

“All boarding the 4:00 A.M plane to Ireland, the doors will be opening in five minutes.” An anonymous voice said on the intercom. I turned to my mother and best friend with a “so this is it” sigh. I could tell my mom was trying hard to hide her emotions, but May didn’t even try because she knows I can see right through her. I go to hug my mom first. I give her the longest hug I think we’ve ever had.

“You be safe okay? You call me when you land. And you know you can text or call anytime.” She said cupping my chin, tears brimming in her eyes. It was taking everything I had not to fall apart in her hold. I was shaking and I’m sure someone across the room could hear my shaky breaths. I was afraid to speak because I could just feel my chest tightening.

“I know mom.” My voice cracks, betraying me. We share one last hug, not saying an actual goodbye. I felt that if I said goodbye it would feel like an actual goodbye as in forever. I sigh as I step over to May. We stare at each other not sure how we would do this. We both reach for each other in a tight hug. I completely lost it, sobbing into her shoulder as she did in mine.  I let out a slight laugh.

“I so knew this would happen.”

“Yeah.” She laughs wiping her eyes. “Talk to me EVERYDAY. I swear to god if you don’t find a cute Irish boy I am coming down there.”

“Alright, alright.” I laugh.  There was a slight pause before we smile at each other.

“All boarding the flight to Ireland please report to the designated doors.”

“I’ll see you guys later?” I smile weakly at both of them and grab them for a group hug. I grab my stuff and wave. I walk to the doors and give the lady my ticket. I look behind my shoulder one more time to see them waving at me. I happily wave to them as I come out of view behind the closed doors. I find my seat that was thankfully a window seat. My heart was pounding and my hands were sweaty. I pull out my iPhone and turn on the music. I was tapping my finger on the arm of the chair to Ed Sheeran, when I heard mumbles coming from the overhead.

“Everyone please fasten your seatbelts. Liftoff will be in 10.”  A deep voice which I believed to be the pilot, spoke. I was lucky. No one had sat directly by me, but there was someone the next seat over. We take off as I see San Diego, the city I know like the back of my hand, disappear in the distance. 

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