Chapter 5

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“Where are we going?” I questioned getting a rush of excitement.

“My hideout.” He looked back and smiled a mischievous smile. The gleam in his eyes made the pool of blue even brighter. He led me down the stairs and into the hallway. We stopped in front of a door in the middle of the hall. He looked down at me with that same gleam in his eye. I started to get skeptical and impatient. I opened the door to see nothing but a coat closet.

“Wow. A closet. Fun.” I joked. He pushed me inside which wasn’t very smart of him. “No, no, no Niall don’t I have to get out I’m very claustrophobic.”I strained trying to get past his body which seemed like a boulder.

“So am I. But this isn’t where we’re staying.” He stepped out of the way to pull up the carpet. Under was a trap door leading to the basement.

“If you think I’m going down there you’re crazy. You’ll probably make me go down first and then you’ll lock me in and I’ll get eaten by some half bear half demon creature.” I said backing into the door.

“Wow you have quite a vivid imagination. Just relax. I’ll go first alright. Would you like me to hold your hand?”He said pouting his lip and batting his eyelashes.

“I’m not two I can handle it thank you.” I say lightly pushing him to go forward. As soon as he got to the fifth step and I was on the forth, we were completely in. He reached up to close the door. My heart started pounding in my ears and it was getting hard to swallow. “Niall?” I choke out to make sure he’s still there.

“I’m here.” He chuckled and I could hear him begin to start walking down the steps.

“Don’t laugh at me!” I whine not being able to move from fright. He must’ve known I wasn’t moving because he stopped walking down the stairs.

“Are you coming?” He said calmly. Soon after he said that a sound of clutter falling came from the distance. I ran down to him and grabbed his arm.

“Go go just go!” I shout impatiently. He then leaves my grip and continues to walk. “Wait wait wait.” I said grabbing for his wrist. “Okay go.” He quietly chuckled and I rolled my eyes. We reach the bottom and I quickly let go of him. My eyes began to adjust to the darkness and I see Niall walk over to a wall and hit a light switch. The room fills with light and I instantly feel relieved.

I was astonished by how cool the place looked.  There was a leather couch with bean bags, a flat screen TV with a coffee table. Any kind of video game or movie you could ever think of. To top it off, in the corner was a foosball table.  “Like what you see?” Niall questioned obviously proud of the place.

“Yes oh my god this is place is amazing! How did you get all this stuff?”

“Believe it or not most of this was already here I just spiffed up the place and brought the TV I had in my room down here.” He said swiping his hand across the foosball table.

“And no one knows about this place?”

“Not that I know of no.”

“How do they not hear the noise from the TV?” I say as I sit down on the couch.

“No idea. Guess they’re so caught up in their own business they don’t pay attention to what goes on around them.” He sighs sitting at the other end of the couch.

“Sounds like there’s more to this story than you’re admitting.”

“Well it’s nothing really. Just regular family shit.”

“Like what? I wouldn’t know it’s only me and my mom.” I say turning my legs to face him.

“Well, my dad is always working and never has time to be with us and if he is home, all he does is watch his dumb football shows.” He stops and looks up to see if I was still listening. I gestured for him to continue. “It’s not that big of a deal. I mean my parents argue all the time but that’s pretty normal these days,” He pauses looking down at his fiddling hands. “Sometimes I wonder if it would just be easy without him here.”

That’s when I scooted closer to him. “You may think that, but trust me it’s not true at all. Just look at me. If I had my dad around, life would be so different. Maybe for the worst or the best, but that’s beside the point. The point is he’s your family and even if it doesn’t feel like it, he loves you. He may not show it, but he does. He would leave if he didn’t.” I felt tears threatening to fall as I said the last sentence. I awkwardly blink quickly and face away, hoping Niall hadn’t noticed.

Suddenly, I felt a warm hand rest on my shoulder. I know he didn’t understand what I was going through, but that’s okay because no one ever does. Just his presence made me feel an ounce better. I turn to him and give him a weak smile before getting up and walking towards the stairs. “Where are you going?” He frowns.

“Um, I don’t really know. I just… need some air.” I stutter trying to keep my voice intact, failing a bit.

“Don’t go.” He said walking towards me. He casted over me with his strong, yet inviting figure. He reached for my hand, centimeters from grabbing it, I pull away.

“I’m sorry.” I say barely above a whisper and rush up the stairs onto the first floor. I didn’t know where I could go, except for the guest room which was the room I’m staying in. I run in and shut the door quietly, hoping to go unnoticed by Maura. That’s when I let the tears fall. Being here is so different and not having the comforts of my home really makes it worse. I never know how to deal with these situations, so I always let it build up until its past boiling point and overflows. I shakily grab for the phone and dial the first number that came to mind.


“Mom, I want to come home.” I cried into the phone.

“What? Sweetie, why?”

“It’s too hard. I miss you. I miss May. Please I just want to come home.”

“Honey, it’s only the first day. You’re home sick and that’s understandable. But you just gotta push through it and eventually you won’t even want to leave.” She responded.

“Doubtful.” I sniffled into the phone.

“Just stick around for a couple more days, and if you really still want to come back, then I’ll get you the next ticket out here alright?” She compromised.

“Okay.” I agree weakly.

“I’ve got to go sweetie I’m working right now. I want you to tell me everything in those letters you’re going to write alright?” She said in a cheery voice.

“Alright. Love you.” I slightly smile.

“Love you lots.” She said as I hear the line drop. 


So......... JBGOERDJHJVD IM SO SORRY. i haven't updated in like 94357349057 years. I just haven't had the motivation plus school and everything and i jkdbnjidbve iM JUST REALLY SORRY. I HOPE YOU CAN FORGIVE ME I LOVE YOU ALL -Rachel xx

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