Chapter 37

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I turned around to see who was standing behind me. Just in time for him to grip my neck and choke me up so now I was standing.

Slowly squeezing the living hell out of me.

Instinctively I rose my leg off the ground and kneed him in the balls which made Marcus release me from the death grip to crouch down and hold his manhood. I balled my right hand and punched him square in the jaw The impact m had blood gushing from his mouth

"Ahh" he screamed holding his jaw with one hand

In a blink of an eye I had my gun out pointed to his head

"You have alot of nerve showing up right now with that stunt you pulled today" I croaked while rubbing my throat

Chuckling Marcus said "Is that how you greet family?"

"We are not nor would we ever be family" I spat every word like they were poisonous

"But we are and you know it" he groaned spitting blood on Treys grave

"You working for him means NOTHING TO ME!" I Barked
"Can't you tell?"  I said wiggling the gun in  my hand.

"Its funny how table turn huh?" He said standing up


He dropped his hand from his jaw and spoke "To think this is the same poistion your little boyfriend was in before he died"

Right there at that moment I could of swore my heart stopped beating
Looking at Treys tomb from the corner of my glazing eyes

"It was you" I whispered


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