Chapter 53 part 2

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although kehlani and I are going through our differences. Party next doors ''Come and See me" is my track atm


Demi and Selena walk into Starbucks

"So you just ran?" we decided to come to Starbucks instead of waiting In the cafeteria

I took a step towards the counter " I bolted"  "Hi, can I have a Grande vanilla bean and caramel Frappuccino" I felt Demi pat my ass, as a thank you

"Grande for that as well?" the employee asked

"Yes please, oh, Selena and Demi" I say as I pull out my wallet

" Okay, your total is $8.46" she tells me as I hand her a ten dollar bill then tell her to keep the change

Demi and I stock off to the side to continue our conversation

"I feel like the next time we're alone or have another moment like earlier, I'm not going to wanna stop" I tell her biting my lip, thinking about Justin and I actually going all the way

she shrugs while picking at her nails.

"I don't really see a problem. I mean you guys have been together for  what? nearly 5 months?" Demi pauses "and its not like your a virgin or anything I say go for it"

laughing a bit I shove her shoulder "You would say something like that" I say as I shake my head

she huffs in disbelief "what's that suppose to mean?" she sasses with a hand placed on her hip, glaring at me

I was going to answer her, I swear I was "Selena and Demi?".

I whip around and grab the beverages "thank you"  I gave Demi hers and we made our way to a booth


"what'd you mean by 'I would say something like that'"  

I stick the straw in my mouth and glance outside. "well, you are fucking my brother" I shrug watching the cars come and go .

I hear Demi suck in a shaky breath

"listen I was go-" I wave a hand in the air 

" I don't care" my phone vibrates in my pocket saved by the bell

"You okay?"  I hesitate to answer because, I honestly don't know what to say

I guess Demi could see the distress in my face as I'm stuck looking down at the phone

"Be honest" she says causing me to huff and look up at her

"And say what? 'No, I'm sexually frustrated and I am trying so hard not to jump your bones" I  sarcastically question. I look over to the entrance and see a customer in a dark hoodie walk to the cashier. a hoodie in this weather? its practically spring  

She laughs shaking her frap "Exactly that" she takes a sip "honesty is the best policy"

I sigh, taking a sip of my frap staring at her like she was crazy


the employee who took our order, appears beside me with a bag of brownies "is any one of you guys, uhm.. bella?"

my grip on the plastic cup tightens

I interrupt demi from saying anything and ask "No, why?" with a raised  brow . Demi kicks my foot from under the table, but I am way too heated to acknowledge it 

"someone ordered these and said to give it to bella then he pointed over here"

throwing her a tight lipped smile "did he happen to be wearing a hoodie?"

her face scrunched up in  confusion, "no, he was wearing a suit but the guy with the hoodie ordered with him. they just happened to leave with his order" she leaked

Demi began grumbling something under her breath, probably finally realizing what was going on

I glance back over at the door again as another customer walks in. I look back up at her and smile pointing at Demi "her middle names bella" I say looking at demi.

silently telling her to play along

the employee - whose name was Barbara . gives demi the bag before taking off back around the counter so she could get back to work

"I'm not bella you are" Demi whispers/hisses at me.

 I shrug, "so" I lay back against the chair

"Do you have a pen on you?"  her face shows flashing signs of confusion

"yes? I always have a pen on me" she says finishing off her cold-drink

I hover my mouth over the straw "with a lot of ink?" taking a long sip from my drink mine finishes aswell

"an extensive amount of ink"

I give her a simple nod and rise up from our booth "we have some drawing to do"

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