chapter 4

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While we where leaving the café I saw a group of people looking at me but this one person stood out he was tall and had piercings that screeched his ear and had so many tattoos but I don't understand why I feel love, confusion, and guilt but I chose to ignore it as it could mean anything

"Hey why are they staring?" I asked and got closer to Alex

"They think you're cute" he said and kissed my cheek

"Abi!" someone shouted and I saw Luffy running towards to me

"Luffy what's up?" I asked

"when did you wake up I want to introduce you to some people" he said and was about to start pulling me when

"well its going to have to wait me and abi have somewhere to be" said Alex and started to pull me into the alley where I saw the door holder Jim

"Alice you're back" he said

"yup I'm all better now" I said and spined around so he could see

"Well its good to have you back" he said and Alex hugged me

"its good to be back man" I said and walked into the elevator that led us undergrown half way there the floor disappears and we just fall. We've done this so many times that I almost forgot to grab the glider but I did and getting to the ground was faster and more fun I can't wait to see the others, once we hit the ground so many people kept looking at me and some kept saying that its good that I was back because they needed their unbeaten agent and that it hasn't been the same without me and I guess I understand not trying to be shallow but I'm awesome but still I walked to the conference room with Alex and saw that someone was sitting in my chair

"hey you get out of my chair" I said and that made all the heads turn in my direction and theory gasped "hello bitches I'm back"

"but I where...what's going on?" said the man

"well I'm back so what's the case and get out of my chair before I kill you" I said and he moved faster than I thought, I sat down and open the case file and saw dead threats to Pierce The Veil

"well Alex we have work to do" I said and left to the house they've been spending a lot of time in and well let's just say I broke down the door cause I felt like it and there faces were priceless but something caught me off guard

"Abi?" said one of them

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