chapter 10

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Abi's P.O.V.

everything was suppose to go black but the bullet never hit me or anyone else 

"how?" asked Jim

"because you forgot who we are" i said and then Alex snapped his neck and he disappeared 

"what the hell?" asked Mike

"well we dont really die but boy does the pain hurt like a bitch" said Alex 

"what?" asked Vic

"well yea, do you want an explanation?" asked Nami

"yes we do" said Jaime and Tony looked broken i walked over to him but he backed away 

"ok lets sit down at the table" i said and they all nodded "Alex come with me" and he did we looked everywhere around the house and saw no one but to be on the safe side we put on motion censers and went back to talk

"are we safe?" asked Mike and i nodded

"i guess the person that put us in the organization should start" said Luffy 

"whose that?" asked Tony

"me" i said and i took a deep breath "look i was told not to follow but he was my best friend so i didnt listen, i saw a world different from what i was use to when he finally realized i was there i had started my training and what they do is they inject you with this serum that allows you to still be you but if you're in battle with the enemy then you dont die but it hurts enough that you wish you were" 

"who was your best friend?" asked Vic

"My best friend, my first love, my first partner...his name is Jim" i said 

"is it the same guy from now?" asked Tony, i nodded 

"what happened?" asked Mike

"he was protecting me" i said and they still looked confused "well i was the target but Jim pushed me aside when they where attacking and they grabbed him instead after them telling me he died i started to move on those three did the same as me when i told them not to and well Alex became my partner and well i was still a target because of my reputation and for some reason me being with Alex would pissed them off so we 'got married'" 

"Abi if you want us to be together then you have to leave this life" said Tony

"i did but accident like this only happen when war will start please dont leave me Tony" i said

"i wont" he said and hugged me. 

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