chapter 24

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Tony and i went to the party the next day and the people that were there i was happy for a moment i felt normal again when my phone rang 


"Abi i need help"


"please i dont like it here plus my parents are here" 

"okay hide im on my way"

 i walked back to the others 

"hey guys i have to go" i said and Tony looked hurt 

"why?" he asked 

"yeah Abi" said Vic 

"because Cole called and he forgot some clothes so im packing them and mailing them" i said "i wont be long an hour or two at least" i walked away and started to walk home but when i got there i turned to an ally near the house. The ally took can either take you to the hood or if you know where to look an underground city and the people that where supposedly dead or runaways come here and when Cole 'died' i took him here but the thing is that his parents had found him here before so maybe they're here for the drugs but i felt someone following so i turned  around and saw Vic

"Vic?" i asked 

"Abi whats going on?" he asked

"you cant be here" i said and started to look around

"why not?" he asked

"Abi?" asked Cole and i turned to see him 

"Cole" i said and hugged him 

"Cole arent you supposed to be dead?" asked Vic

"yes but i didnt want to leave abi so i asked her to bring me here as a dead runaway" said Cole

"Vic please Cole never hurt me it was all an act so his parents would think he's straight" i said 

"really? then what about the bruises?" asked Vic

"well i would paint it on then the make up so when he 'hit' me it would come off" i said 

"why didn't you say anything?" he asked 

"because someone was always around to make sure he wasnt seeing a guy" i stated when a boy around Cole's age came running

"baby?" asked the male, Cole looked around and 

"Abi my parents havent seen me but are close" he whispered 

"fine come on" I said and grabbed Cole and Vic's hand while Cole grabbed the male and started to run, until we where out the Underground City.

"Look we got t fine Stitches" i said 

"but no one has seen him" stated the guy 

"okay hold on who is he?" asked Vic

"sorry cutie im Adrian" said Adrian 

"Adrian" stated Cole "Abi can find him"

i took out my phone and was about to call when

"who's stitches?" asked Vic

"the gang leader of the most feared gang in North and South America" stated Adrian

"Abi no if you call him ill call Tony" threatened Vic

"he's the only one that will keep Cole safe, I'm sorry" i said and called Stitches




"dude i need you"

"whats wrong princess?"

"firstly Cole needs to be hidden and  secondly his parents are in your city"

"got me in thirty minutes at our spot"

"got it"

"bye skellington"

"bye stitches"

"lets go to the cafe" i said and we started walking to the hood and go to the only perfect cafe their.

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