chapter 15

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Abi's P.O.V.

I think i have to explain the screaming well i have strong lungs and when im mad well i can scream to a certain frequency that can damage your ears and im proud of that but to my family they hate it but still after a while the commander and the others started to go down and i stopped 

"no i remember why we left" i said 

"oh yea" said Alex 

"by the way like whats up with the whole i can kill people?" asked Nami 

"well i can finally kill rock and roll" said commander 

"fine" i said and stabbed him "lets go" i started to walk away 

"right" they said   

"so you just stabbed someone" said Tony

"is that a do know he will live right" i stated 

"now that i know that its no problem" he said 

"look all i have to do is stop this war and we can all forget this ever happened okay?" i asked

"yes please" said Jaime "i cant stand seeing you hurt"

"wait if you know how to fight why didn't you stop Cole?" asked Mike

"well see he's a different story, he had enough abuse" i said 

"but still you could have fought back a bit" stated Vic

"oh she did but he had leverage" said Alex

"oh really what?" asked Vic 

"Nathan" stated Nami

"oh" said Jaime

"yea" i said and walked towards the car "well Alex you come with me, Nami and Luffy take care of these four and goodbye" 

"wait" said Tony, he grabbed me and kissed me like it was the last time he'll see me

"dude her brother is right here" said Jaime 

"Jaime shut up" said Alex and made a gag sound after a few more seconds 

"be safe please" said Tony

"i'll try" i said and looked at the others before hugging each of them "wish me luck and bye" i got in the car with Alex next to me

"you ready?" he asked 

"ready" i said and drove off.

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