Let's Go Home

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I remember when we met
The perky loud blonde boy
Came up to me
And asked if we'd be friends
Every day that followed
We were inseparable
When I was sick at home
You whined and missed me so
Then I had a secret
Or at least that's what I thought
I kept you in the dark
And stayed at home for days on end
When I went back to school
You were there right by my side
Complaining that you were lonely
And missed me as usual
It was then I realized
A friend like you was rare
And I had taken you for granted

I want to spend more days with you
I miss your daily visits
And the concern you never hid
Or the food you'd always bring to me
But most of all
The love no one else gave me
I'll find my way somehow
In this world I've come to know
But for now
Let's go home, Hide

Yeah, I still cry over this. I basically told you the whole life story of Hide and Kaneki's friendship. Hide is pronounced "He-deh" for y'all who haven't the slightest clue what I'm talking about.

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