I Used To

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I used to take refuge in your arms,

feeling the warmth against my cold skin.

I used to cry on your shoulder,

your silence comforting me. 

I used to sleep next to you,

when the shadows made me frightened. 

I used to eat with you,

for I felt lonely at many times.

I used to have tickle fights with you,

you beating me every time.

I love you,

and you loved me.

But that all disappeared when someone took my place.

The new girl took my place in your arms.

She cried on your shoulder just because the dress she wanted was sold out.

She slept next to you on nights when I was cold.

She ate with you, talking about things you never took interest in.

She refused to have tickle fights,

for she thought them childish fights.

She doesn't love you,

and I did.

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