Out in the Woods

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Out in the woods all by her lonesome self

No friends to speak of save the buzzing fly

The angry sun blazed seeking the weak elf

"Who is this intruder," he seemed to cry

She was frightened for she didn't belong

Voice a mere whisper, no help could she call

But there were spir'ts up above with a song

Ringing out so clear from a tree so tall

The elf ran closer to find flutt'ring birds

Oh, of all sizes and colors were they

Each one so different, it was absurd

She smiled and to their song did she sway

The lively birds sang faster just to tease

And out in the woods did she feel at peace

A/N: So this was the sonnet I made for literature c: Nothing much to say about this haha. I posted it, peasant c;

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