Chapter 4. [Him]

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Passion POV:

    "So are we going to talk about last night?" Asked Lateek.

  "There's nothing to talk about." I said opening my door.

"I love you Passion." He said before I got out the car.
I smiled and exit his vehicle, strutting my way to the front doors of Lincoln high.

Whatever nigga , was all I thought.

  Malik POV:

  I was standing with a couple of my boys at the door when I saw Passion get out some niggas car, she didn't look to please but damn was she bad.

  I watched her strut her way up the stairs , as she walked passed we made eye contact and I smiled as she did the same. Then she walked passed.

  "Damn Passion is fine as fuck." One if my home boys said.

   "I don't know why she even with that nigga Lateek, he ain't shit but a dope boy and a drop out at that." Said Derrick.

I listen to them as they spoke about her, I guessed the guy in the car was Lateek. I saw her walked the halls until she got to her locker.

"I'll catch y'all later." I said dapping them up leaving. I had to talk to her , I couldn't stop thinking about her since our last encounter.
I walked up to her not really sure what to say. She turned around and looked at me then turn back towards her locker.

  "Wassup." Was all I said.
  "Passion right?"
"Yours truly."
   "Uh I just wanted to apologize on the be half of Diamond and what she said the other day."
"Its fine, she don't faze me."
    I chuckled. "Is that right? Wow your the first."
"I guess, she's light weight to me, but you better stop talking to me for she get mad."
   "Well let her." I said staring into her beautiful eyes.

     She was breath taken. Her lips were nice and glossy, all I wanted to do was kiss the fuck outta her.

"Why you looking at me like that?" She asked.

"My bad, your just very beautiful."

She blushed. "Thank you."

"No problem, hey if its alright can I get yo number?"

"Do you think that's a good idea?"

  "We can be friends girl."
She laughed, "okay ." she said taking out a piece of pen and paper writing her number down and handing it to me.

"Later." She said walking away as her ass switch from side to side.
Yeah we can be friends alright, I thought.

Passion POV:

    I couldn't believe Malik came up to me this morning and asked for my number, during the whole day all I did was smile. That's how much I like him.

    "Passion girl ?! Helllo earth to Passion?" Said my girl Sasha putting her hand in my face.

   "Girl what?" I asked with a slight attitude.

"The fuck you so happy about , your ass been in a daze for 5 minutes now."

  "Oh girl nothing, just thinking."
She gave me a long look and then she brushed it off.

"Whatever hoe, so you still down for Derrick party or you got other plans with Lateek?"

"Girl I don't know me and Lateek haven't been on good terms recently, so I might just go."

   "Why what happen?!"
"He just so ugh, he thinks I'm fucking dumb. And he thinks he slick, he talking about some he going to see his moms knowing damn well he was going to see some hoe." I said shaking my head.

  "Girl are you sure, Lateek don't see like the type , he loves you too much. I know that for a fact!"

   "Girl don't make him fool you, I don't know what it is but when I catch his ass I will be leaving."

"Well lemme know cus he gonna hear some shit from me too!"

I laughed as Sasha got loud and everybody was watching.

"Girl shut yo ass up." I said standing up to leave the cafeteria. "I'll call you later tho."

  "Okay bye girl."  "Bye."

Of course I wanted to tell Sasha about the Malik thing but she loved me with Lateek so much she wouldn't approve it. So I'm just gonna keep this little secret to myself. Like he said as 'friends' nothing could harm that.


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