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Shout out to @smitchymitchy for the amazing Vampire Mitch edit for my cover. I added the eyeliner because we all know Zass would totally rock it! XD

Poor Alex...

Anthony and Circe reached their destination and that's when Wrench and Hamlet came out to meet them.  Hamlet opened the trunk and pulled a blinking Alex out of that small space.  He tried to struggle against his captors but they were the epitome of 'thug's for hire' and were both well-built males in their prime.  Not to mention they were Werelions, Alex had no chance against them in his current cramped state.  The drive to the destination had been a long one and he had been in the tiny space for too long.

Besides, he was still in puppy mode and was feeling overwhelmed by the fear, the huge men carrying him and the chill air as it hit the majority of his skin.  He was still in his cage outfit and the skimpy shorts and hot pink harness straps did little to cover him.  They dragged him off down to the dungeon, throwing him into a small cell and then returned for Scott.

"Scott?" Alex said softly into the empty air.  "What's going on?"  He curled into a ball in the corner of his cell, wrapping the thin blanket that was on the small mattress around his shoulders, trying not to dissolve into tears.

While Circe's thugs were dealing with Alex, Anthony stepped from the limo and went round to the other side to let his Mistress out.  She stepped out into the night air and then looked back into the interior of the car at her unconscious prisoner, smiling the sort of smile that made your skin crawl. 

The driver grunted as he struggled out from behind the wheel, finally letting his huge frame stretch to full height as he exited the tight space.  Behind him the vehicle rocked in place as his weight was removed from the reinforced frame.  His horns glinted in the moonlight and he brushed himself down, smoothing out the wrinkles in his specially tailored uniform, then he nodded to Circe and Anthony before making his way inside to the kitchen. 

His name was Gideon, and he was a Giant, well a half-giant.  If he'd been pure blood he wouldn't have even contemplated getting into the car. As it was, all he was concerned about was finding the housekeeper Daphne and feeding his stomach.  You sit a giant, even a half giant before a meal and he won't even notice you're there until he's finished.

Then two fast shadows approached like sleek whippets, greeting their mistress and stopping at her ankles.  She looked down at her pets and smiled approvingly as they clattered their large pincers together.  She allowed her thick tail to curl around them, petting them in turn with the hooked end while she enjoyed the view of Scott's unconscious face. 

"Are we going to keep him for a while?" Anthony asked, his own personal agenda at the forefront of his mind.

"You'd like that wouldn't you." Circe said with a frown.  "I thought I was enough for you, Lover."

Anthony stepped closer and cupped Circe's cheek with one hand while her tail curved around his waist.  "You'll always be the only woman for me Circe." He said with a smile.  Privately, though as she couldn't hear his thoughts he mused, 'But one day you won't be around anymore and I'll have things my own way.  Then I can keep tall, blonde and handsome for as long as I want.  You can keep the brunette, I want the tall glass of milk.'

Circe and Anthony both stood there looking at Scott, both with distinct predatory expressions on their faces as Hamlet and Wrench came back out to pick up Scott and take him to his cell.

They watched the two carry their unconscious burden towards the entrance and then began walking after them.  "How long are you going to make Zass sweat before you ring him with the exchange location?" Anthony asked Circe, wondering how long he'd have to play with Scott.

"I'm going to give him until tomorrow evening before I ring him again to tease him.  But he's not getting the meet location until I'm good and ready.  We have to plan exactly where we can do it to cause him maximum concern before we finally let him see his 'boyfriend'." She said cold-bloodedly.

Anthony smiled and then said, "OK, I'll go see what the others are up to."

Circe replied, "If Grigg and Neptune are still playing cards I'll dock their pay... or a digit."  Anthony smiled, he knew those two would be playing some kind of game.  And he knew Circe would absolutely take her pound of flesh from them if they were slacking off.  Good thing for them they grew things back when they turned.  The healing abilities of Weres surprised him constantly. 

"I'll make sure they've done their rounds." He assured her.  Turning on his heel he walked smartly towards the entrance Hamlet and Wrench had just disappeared through with their burden.  "But first I'm settling Blanca there into his cell."

Hope you like where this one goes!  Lions and giants and dog-sized scorpions Oh My!

PS : Big shout out to my Lovelies on Twitter who let me rant and then encourage me to keep going when I need affirmation. I love you girls. 

PPS : Any terminology you don't understand please remember to ask for the meaning and I'll add it to the Dark Glossary.

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