Naxx - Part 15

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Zoe blinked at the phone in her hand after Ledason hung up the line. Her puzzled expression said it all. His command to meet her in the lab to go over some of the evidence from the crime scene had been worded unusually. Almost as if he was asking her for a favour rather than as her superior. In fact it was just another in a fairly long string of weird interactions they'd had over the past few days. It was as if he was treating her more like someone important in his life rather than as her boss.

And that was truly puzzling, as were the continuous bombarding images of them together seemingly every time she closed her eyes. Were they actually memories? Had there been something between them before her loss of memory? And if so, why hadn't he said anything?

Then there was that flash of something that looked like fire in his eyes the other day, when he brushed her off.

She frowned, deciding it was probably time to just get him alone and ask him flat out what the hell was going on.

But then again, did she want to change things? Did she really want answers to the questions flying around her head or did she just want things to remain the same? Her life was up in the air enough already with everything happening with Zass, Scott and the Warlock everyone was frantically trying to locate. Ledason's inside knowledge was just one more thing she could either confront him about or brush off, like all the other times she'd just followed orders since she woke up.

It seemed like the best course of action was to let the status quo remain in effect. But last night's dream was troubling her.

It had seemed, not only like they were lovers in another time, but that he was Supernatural as well. Supernatural enough to have flames playing in his eyes as she gazed into them. Just like her imagined glimpse of his eyes the other day. And yet in the dream...memory? She'd still kissed him. Scarily, the part of the dream that had stayed with her even more than Ledason's apparent pyrokinetic abilities was her using her own to levitate the goblet they were drinking from. It had floated to her waiting hand in the bed. Floating from the table in the middle of the room where they'd left it on the way to 'entertain' each other. And then there was the sex she'd been dreaming about...

Zoe looked guiltily around the room, wondering if any of her colleagues had psychic abilities and could see her NSFW musings. Then brought those memories back into focus.

Talk about freaking amazing! For her at least. She wasn't sure of Ledason's feelings on the subject. Since it seemed he was just as uncommunicative away from work as he was at it. But then why was she having these particular dreams... memories... whatever now?

Were all of her memories returning? And if so, who or what was she going to find out she was? Was she the same woman who'd pledged her life to helping others in the FBI's Secret Unit? Was she really altruistic and compassionate, or was she only interested in whatever gave her the most pleasure?

Her internal debate would have to wait. Getting to the lab was the priority for now.

But not for much longer.


Lexi and Jax eyed each other off across the table as Alli expertly lined up espresso cups, coffee pods and milk for steaming in front of the modern, stainless steel-finished coffee machine. Jax split his attention between the gorgeous man at the table who seemed to be waiting for him to tell him his life's story and the arresting sight of Alli's lush, rounded derriere as she got the coffee brewing.

When another Vampire's scent reached Jax's nostrils over the delicious aroma of brewing coffee, they flared before another equally gorgeous man walked into the room, across to Alli and then put his hand on the very curves Jax had been admiring.

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