Circe - Bonus

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As we surveyed the carnage around us and my friends all moved in to pat me on the shoulder, or back, wherever they could reach, we all finally breathed in a sigh of relief that we had been victorious.

Partners checked on each other, making sure each one was whole and uninjured, or at least able to leave. Geia helped Mercury to stand, Jezebel and Tank clasped each other tightly and then snogged. Gideon and Spook laughed as she made sure his hearing wasn't damaged, then reassured him she was completely fine and had escaped unscathed. Benefits of being part mermaid.

Vex walked in looking every bit the victorious warrior from some gore drenched Vietnam War movie, his camo uniform a wet mess of fluid and gore. All the Jurassic scorpions had exploded in a shower of ash as soon as Circe had died, another indication we were victorious. Gabriel hugged Elizabeth tightly to his chest as she smiled up at him.

When we determined we were all OK, everyone sighed with relief. Until Alli looked around at everyone, frowned and we both looked at each other as Scott asked "Where's Alex?"

His eyes flew to mine and I swore then turned go through the open door, pausing as the object of our affection and current forgivable forgetfulness walked through it carrying Francesca. "You all came for little old me?" He said with a happy little grin that informed me his personality was back to being Alex and we smiled with relief that he was unharmed.

We rushed to his side and grabbed him in a three way embrace quickly before Francesca croaked weakly, "Zass... the Warlock."

I nodded at her in encouragement as Alex carried her over to the bed. He sat down, Francesca still in his arms as she pulled on my arm with as much force as she could muster. "He's pure evil Zass. He was responsible for the Demon. The candle isn't the worst of it. He's planning on taking back the world from humans. Exposing the Supernatural Community and taking us back to the Dark Times."

I knew the time of which she spoke with great clarity. After all I'd been a ravening one man army of destruction back then.

"I won't let those events take place Francesca." I assured her with determination. I'd triumphed over the Mage's power, surely I could prevent his plans from coming to fruition.

"He's taken over part of the Council Zass, you'll need to deal with them." She said as she began to fade. I knew she'd withstood against Naxx's power far longer than anyone could ever have demanded and I could have just let her go in peace.

If I'd been a different kind of leader. A different kind of person, a different kind of Vampire I could have just counted her among those we'd lost. But I was me... Zass. Titan or not Francesca was a loyal part of my Magenta Family and I looked at everyone's faces before asking them to step in close to the bed.

"I'm going to need everyone to keep this between ourselves." I said quietly before concentrating on that extra energy I'd absorbed. Everyone nodded and we all stood together around the bed, my Magenta Family, my High Court. The people I knew I would follow into battle in a heartbeat as well as come for immediately, should they call me for help.

Then I released the energy I'd absorbed in that initial shockwave into them all.

It was like I'd thrown a switch. Instead of letting my rage and anger boil over after absorbing all the negative energy and transferring it into Bloodlust, I let it go. It flowed out of my pores in gentle golden light and bathed my friends in its warm energy. All their minor injuries disappeared immediately. The deeper wounds and bloody cuts knitted together, healed as they watched and then disappeared.

At their expressions of shock and awe, I smiled benevolently and then grinned as Francesca opened her eyes and a rosy flush of health reappeared on her freshly plumped cheeks. Then I gave them all a little bit extra. Everyone glowed with health and vitality and then those with partners turned to each other with promise. A few hours ride home and then I knew everyone would be disappearing into bedrooms for some well-deserved fun and 'relaxation'.

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