Chapter 18: I snorted cocaine in a potato costume

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Unedited-feel free to point out my mistakes.

Chapter 18: I snorted cocaine in a potato costume.

After I picked up the wood I went into autopilot. I couldn't really tell you what happened. One minute I was under Jonathan and the next I'm standing in a room full of scattered body parts. I don't know why exactly I killed the new wolves that submitted to me, I probably never will.

All I saw was red. All I felt was the anger.

And I just reacted on almost blind impulse if you may.

I shivered in fear and disgust and felt my legs go weak as my helplessness overwhelmed me. I felt myself choke as I fell to the floor.

It's over it is all finally over.

I wrapped my arms around myself and sat on the floor beside an arm with a big ring on the middle finger.

I felt like I was going to throw up, I felt like I was going to die.

I felt like I was going insane.


I stood up and turned around and saw Adam standing in the doorway.

I could only imagine what he was thinking.

Beast, killer, murderer.


"Adam," I felt myself whimper.

I fell at the same time he rushed over and held me up.

"It's okay," he cooed into my ear, "we will get through this."

I pushed him away, "How do you know what's best for me? Do you not see this? I am a murderer. I'm a werewolf. I'm a MONSTER! DO YOU NOT SEE THAT?!"

"No," he simply stated, "I see a strong woman who after everything she's been through, she just kind of snapped."

"Exactly," I said summoning hate in my voice, "I snapped."

"Aubrey, it's okay to snap. You don't always have to be perfect you don't always have to be in control," he leaned in closer into me and said right into my ear, "sometimes we need to lose control and sometimes we need to snap, because losing control and snapping, that's how we find ourselves again."

I felt a single tear roll down my face, "Thank you, Shakespeare."

He laughed and I smiled burrowing my head into his neck.

"Aubrey?" I turned and saw Karen standing there with a look of shock on his face.

"Karen... I-"

She ran over me an hugged me tight, "I swear to God, if you ever leave me again I will drag you back here to kill you myself."

I smiled and embraced her bone-crushing hug back.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Karen said backing away from me, looking at Adam, "was I interrupting something?"

"No," we both said at the same time, almost to quickly it seemed. Do I like Adam? I certainly don't like his name. But other then that do I like like him?

I looked at his perfect chiseled features and looked into his eyes which looked so sweet and they almost had a look of, I will always protect you, to them.

Hell do I like this kid?

Ehh who knows.

Story of my existence.

I scratched my forehead and looked down toward the floor.



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