Chapter 2: "I really hope we are not sitting on sperm....."

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Chapter 2: "I really hope we are not sitting on sperm....."

I wake up in the morning to my alarm clock. I then grimace at the cursed thing and role over on my bed to kill it.

I slam it with my hand and it shatters into pieces.

Damn it, now I'm going to need a new one.

Oh well, it can't wake me up anymore at least.

I roll back over and try to find my comfy warm spot where I was sleeping.

Mr. Van Horn's project was done and I stayed awake till 2 in the morning to finish it.

So no alarm clock is waking me up at 6 A.M. to get ready.

Not. Happening.

As far as I'm concerned Mr. Van Horn can go shove my report up his old wrinkly ass.

I finally settle back into my warm cozy spot and am about to drip off to sleep....

When hell breaks into the room.

Also known as my friends.

"AUBREY, WAKEY WAKEY!! WE HAVE SCHOOL," Nina screams at the top of her lungs.

I knew what she was trying to do, so I put the pillow over my head trying to block out the screams of torture.

Only then Lea came in and in she screamed, "Aubrey!!! Wake up!!! It's a new day!!"

I knew what I was about to do and what I was about to do next was a very bad idea but then in my sleep deprived moment I didn't care.

I then proceeded to pick up my smashed alarm clock and I threw it at their heads and they screamed and went scurrying out of the room.

I tried to get back into my comfy spot, but all I could think about was if they were okay.

Damn morals.

Muttering a few choice words under my breath I rolled off the bed and I opened my bedroom door to go into the kitchen. I had to see if they're okay because I felt bad.

Once again, damn morals.

I went into the kitchen and look at their faces. If you forgot that it looked like they saw a ghost (Ha! Get it? Because the necromancers who can see ghost are in another room! LOL.) they were fine.

No physical pain. No harm, no foul.

I looked at them and true giving them a sympathetic smile (which probably looked like a shark) and I sat down at the table.

"So....." I started, "how's your morning going so far?"

I arrived at school 20 minutes before school actually started.

Which for me is a personal best.

I sat down with a group in the cafeteria at a lunch table.

Something was off about today. It felt like everyone was looking at me and it made the hair on my neck rise.

Something was definitely up.

"Guys, something doesn't feel right today," I told them lowly making sure no one would hear us.

"I agree," Tina stated, "it feels like everyone in the cafeteria is looking at-"

"Me," I stated cutting her off. Which she nodded to in return.

"Yeah, I don't know why though."

I shook my head, couldn't say I knew either.

I shook my head as the warning bell rung and we all let out simultaneous groans.

Ashes (Book 3 of The Fire Trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora