Chapter 1

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I wake up at 6:20am, and I know my alarm went off like 10 minutes ago, and I shouldn't be still procrastinating in bed, but it feels so cozy and warm , so different than the weather that I'm about to face when I leave this flat.

I share this place with my 3 girl friends, Caroline, Leah and Rue, these girls are everything to me, we have been together since always that I can remember, I'm not saying  they were part of my childhood, actually we met when we were 13 or 14 , nowadays I am 19 years old , but anyway we have been together since we left our country in south America and headed for Europe, more specifically London.

It was a very tough time, to leave our families last year, but we had to, we shared the same dream to study college in England , and well here we are... It would have been so much worse if I didn't have my girls around, but I have nothing to worry about, as soon as I finish college I'm going back to my family, as a matter of fact my parents, I don't have siblings, I miss them so much, even though we skype at least once a day, sometimes only for 10 minutes or less, but that's enough, I know they miss me a lot too, but they understand and totally support my decision to be here, in addition my mum is always putting my education first .

The girls and I live in a overly fancy and expensive building,but we couldn't afford 4 different apartments obviously,that's why we share this one, in my point of view we could live in a small and humble neighborhood, but the girls agreed to pay together an elegant place, and I didn't want to be to one to stand against it, but sometimes I wish I had my own place, this doesn't mean I don't love them with all my heart, it's only about privacy , and I know they feel the same.

As soon as I finish  getting dressed I get in the kitchen, and spot the ladies all around the table in a dreadful silence, which is very common for 6 am

"Morning zombies! You look more terrible than normal today " I say with my morning and a bit raspy voice, while I rub my eyes, I can't help, but every morning I feel the necessary to rub it all the time, I mean only when I get up early.

"Oh shut up Lacie, don't flatter yourself, you don't look any better than us in the morning " Carol adds and I automatically glare.

"you shut up, you know how I hate to be called Lacie, seriously who the hell has this name?, I prefer Lah is more simple and more beautiful " I speak up and giggle, it's funny to discuss your name in the morning while you should be worrying and talking about college assignments projects and that shit we have got to be trough to graduate, as a matter of fact there's nothing fun about this, it's just a fact about me , I have these habits to laugh , giggle, smile and whatnot all the time.

"Ok babe, I'm sorry, just join us, I prepared a milk shake for you and yesterday I stopped by the grocery store and bought oreo for everyone"   carol squeals with a huge smile, almost looking like a child, except for the fact of her bright colored red hair, because I have never seen any kid with colored hair, but what a stupid though of mine, stop it Lah! ,and now I'm mentally talking to myself , either I'm going crazy each day or it's just college stress, I'd rather believe in the second option.

The rest of the breakfast is totally ordinary like every morning, just a bit of banter and Rue talking proudly about some of her geek things, because that's what she's really into , most of the things that she says I'm too clueless. Rue is very beautiful, with short blonde hair and blue eyes, and Im the opposite, I have long dark brown hair and light brown eyes, and I consider myself beautiful, not stunning as I've been called by some jerks, but I guess I'm ok, at least Rue and I share something in common, we both are 5'7 , and we are always full of ourselves when it's about our height ,because usually girls are shorter than us.

Leah gets very pissed off about it because she's not taller than 5'4, but she's still a very nice brunette, with a very curly long hair, in my opinion she looks like Danielle Peazer, except for the fact she's not tall and definitely not skinny as that dancer.

When we leave our apartment, we are ready to find my car in the parking lot , since I'm the only one with a car  I drive us to college every morning, they don't buy a car because they're not able to drive, I guess they're too afraid or something.

When we are about to enter the elevator we bump into 4 attractive guys, they are beyond attractive , completely hot lads, I guess they are our new neighbors, and probably live on the same floor, because there are 6 apartments each.
Nevertheless nothing apparently  can be perfect , and they were all covered in disgusting tattoos and piercings, seriously piercings spread on their faces, what are their plans? -Im a hot guy as hell but I'll spoil this with ink- one of them has more tattoos than the others, that was the tallest one, with green eyes and long hair.

"Hello , pretty girls " said the blonde guy with a different accent, I cannot identify what accent that is,because I'm terrible at it, he has less tattoos than the others, but they're still there, and in a particular way he's kind of cute, different than the other 3 lads standing there, they all look like a gang or something worse.

"Hi..." The girls answered shyly, I'm pretty sure they are wondering the same that i am, how the hell leave this hall and get away from these gross punks.

"I am Niall, these are, Liam, Louis and the last but not least, Harry"

So that's the name of the tallest one, Harry, all the guys apparently are friendly, but he seems to be too impolite, since all the guys are introducing themselves, trying to talk, and he is just standing right there with a serious expression, and now he is starting at me, I hate when people stare, he has a smug expression, what a jerk! , I have the feeling he is trying to tower me, I didn't hear one word from him, but I think that's fine, because I haven't said more than two words either.

At this moment I get back to the moment, they are all having a conversation, except for Henry, I mean Harry, whatever his name is , I try to ignore the fact he's still staring and focus on the conversation that I have no idea what the subject is.

They were saying they are our new neighbors, but unlike us they get different apartments, they must have money, I suppose

"You speak differently, with an accent I never heard, I'm pretty sure you're not British, where are you from?" Louis said with a thick accent

"We are from the largest country in South America, if you are good at geography you know what country it is"  Rue snaps completely annoyed , I think it's the fact that we don't like to hear we are different or speak differently.even though I notice Louis was just being curious, not disrespectful at all.

And just now I notice how uncomfortable the girls are for being around these freaks,we are like two peas in a pod, they are all good girls like me, they don't like this kind of bad boys, or whatever they're called nowadays , we always hang out with guys from college, usually the ones in cardigans, I need to get us all out of this place , that now is obnoxious.

"Well... It was really nice to meet you guys, welcome to our building, I bet you will love it here , but now could you excuse us? , we are already late for college, bye"  I say and grab the girls so we can simply go and thankfully never ever talk to them again.

"Bye princesses , I know we are going to love it here, because we got pretty neighbors, see you around " Niall says in a cute way , is he trying to flirt?,I never know, I don't have a boyfriend so I don't have much experience , different than Leah and Carol, they have two goodnatured guys that they met at college .

As we are leaving I turn around and glance  for the last time , " see you around " but I add " I hope not" under my breath, I notice Harry is still looking at me with a superior and smug expression, he is an asshole, I think I already hate him, but I can't hate someone that I barely know, anyway  I won't see him again.

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