Chapter 2

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"Oh man, what the heck was that?"Leah says as soon as we get in the car

"This one is easy, let me answer just a bunch of assholes trying to mess around "

"Lah! You shouldn't call assholes people you barely know" carol scolds me and gives me a judgmental look, sometimes she sounds like my mum, seriously it gets on my nerves, Carol always thinks we live in a perfect world with rainbows and unicorns where everyone is good.

" alright, enough let's just drive to college and change the subject, please " Rue sounds testy at the moment

"Yes, ma'am, I don't want to be late either" I hate being irresponsible and get late to class, actually being late to a class just happened once in my life ,when I was in high school and my mother's car broke down ,it seems like a lifetime ago.

When we arrive at college, the girls and I split up because we attend different classes and we just see each other again in the evening, because after college we go directly to work, and surely different ones, from this point they get busses or just a boyfriend's ride, I just drive them in the morning, I feel slightly guilty for letting them use public transportation, but c'mon I'm not a taxi driver.

In college classes are completely ordinary, nothing much special, just normal lectures and etc , grades are not a problem for me, I always have A's and I'm very proud of that, but this is not luck only a consequence of how much effort I put on it. I'm very methodical about my education sometimes a bit paranoid.

The rest of the week is simply normal, just my normal routine, college in the morning, work in the afternoon, study and Netflix in the evening, every night I try to watch one or two episodes of my favorite serie , everyone deserves a time of the day to unwind.

Thank God , it's already Thursday what means the weekend is coming soon and also it's my day off , I don't need to work at the English school today , I work downtown in this English school for tourists, London is a place you find foreigners all the time, and since I speak 2 languages they hired me to be a teacher  despite my age.

On my way home, I dropped by the grocery store and then I go home, when I'm about to grab the keys to get in my apartment, Im abruptly interrupted

"Hey there, good  to see you again, I thought this would never happen again, cause last time that we were having a good time, you ran away with your mates"  Harry says with a smirk on his face

This day was being so good, now I have to speak to this guy again...

"Hi Harry, I didn't run away, I was late for college" I say tiredly whilst I turn around to open my door and to show him how uninterested I am to have a conversation

"Whatever you say , Lah...there's a curiosity that's killing me, what's your name? because what would make a person choose such a lame nickname like that, only if they have a worse name , but I believe that's not possible... "

"What hell? My name is Lacie, why does it matter to you? Is that why you came here, to bother me,well alright, now I helped you with your curiosity, bye"
I was right with my first impression, this guy is a pain in the ass.

"Lacie, I didn't come here for this reason, that would be a waste of time, I came here to invite you and the girls for the party Louis is throwing this Saturday, and well you are all kind of hot, so you're welcome" Harry says in a carefree way.

One second ago he was insulting me and now he's calling me hot, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean that, he must think I'm ugly, and even if he meant that , how disrespectful!

I think of his invitation for one sec and then I burst out laughing, I think I am laughing too loud at the moment but who cares, the glare he is giving me is priceless, I feel very cheerful knowing that Im making him angry.

" never in a million years, me and my girls are not into this shit you call party " just after snapping these words I notice how snob I am acting , seriously I am never disrespecful with anyone, and now I am being horrible, guilt just begin to consume me when Harry starts to yell.

" this is the problem with prudes like you, they always have this sassy attitude,and believe they are better than everyone else, but guess what? You are not , we are all the same" he says that ,half angry and half amused.

" Do not yell at me! you don't have the right to call me prude either, and I am sorry Harry, I shouldn't have said anything about your damn party, it's just that we are not into parties, we prefer to stay at home  and study or hang out at the mall, also there are rules in this building, parties are not allowed..."

" Do you know how fucking boring it sounds?, study on Saturdays.. you are PATHETIC, also I don't give a fuck for what is allowed here "-Harry roars and just as fast as he spoke he leaves me there by myself and enters his apartment.

I blink a few times shocked and still can't believe what just happened here.

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