Chapter 3

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I take off my shoes and freshen up, I just feel like changing into my pajamas, no problem for me that it's still pretty early for pj's.

After this small talk with Harry I just feel destroyed, I am worn out just overwhelmed, how could he say such hurtful things to me? I didn't do anything for him to hate me or whatever he's feeling towards me, but what shocks me the most is noticing how affected I am feeling right know, I don't even know him, I cannot allow him to make me feel like this.

Despise the tatttos and piercings,he is handsome, his green eyes could just be described as perfection, two rare emeralds , and when he speaks slowly... However it doesn't matter what you look on outside , it's what's on the inside that counts,  beauty is not in the face but it's a light in the heart.

I am still overcoming the fact that I was called prude, boring and pathetic, nobody has ever treated me like that, I know I might me a bit spoiled sometimes but seriously . Guys are usually cute and gentlemen with me, not even my unique ex-boyfriend had treated me like that.

"Stop it now, Lacie Soares, don't keep thinking about him, he isn't worth it" I yell breathless  at myself, it's a normal habit of mine, talk to myself, in this case yell, but since there's just me at home, no big deal.

A few hours later I am still alone in this apartment, I complain when all the girls are here, but I feel lonely when they aren't, dammit

I decide to skype my mum, I miss her so fucking much ...but it's useless, I try to call her 20 times or more and nothing, this is totally weird, she always answers me in a blink of an eye, I decide simply to call my home number.

"Mum!, finally where have you been?"

"Lah, I'm very busy now, I'll call you later, now it's not a good moment " she is whispering , she sounds tired, there must be something wrong

"Mum,mum have you been crying? What's going on? for God's sake, tell me or Im going to the airport immediately " as I speak I notice I'm sounding desperate

" calm down, I'm just tired and upset, I won't hide it from you, it's your father, we have been trough a lot, and now I no longer can handle the things he is getting into, this business..." I am pretty sure she's sobbing

"What? , Im sorry, I just..."

"Lah, please I beg you, let me call you when I settle everything over here , you have no idea how terrible the situation really is..." Now it's my turn to interrupt her

" this is nonsense but alright , got it, call me as soon as we can, I love you"

" I love you too, more than anything, never forget that" she fastly comments

What heck what that now?my mother is apparently having the worst time of her life, And here I am, miles away , and clueless about what is happening there, although it is making me worried I have to avoid thinking about that, because there's absolutely nothing I can do from here.

It's Saturday night, and I always get super excited, not because I go out and attend parties, clubs and whatnot, it's just for the fact I can have time for myself, just chill ,make brownies and cookies , stay in comfortable clothes,watch many episodes of my favorite series etc

As usual Leah and Carol are getting ready to go out with their boyfriends, probably going to the movies or some restaurant, and I don't know  about Rue, sometimes she just stays and read books or hangs out, we usually go out together, it's very fun, Rue is the best.

But there's something wrong with this specific Saturday , I can't stop thinking about Harry, and his words playing in my mind. Also the music coming from the hall just reminds me about the party that I was invited to.

This can't be happening but the music is too loud , I feel the urgent necessity to prove him , to show him, I'm not pathetic that  I am able to go to a party and have fun.

I would never go to this punk party alone,  I call Rue and she just nods trying to figure if it's some kind of sick joke, I guess she only believes that I am serious when I start to get changed.

While I put on my skinny jeans and black tank top, I realize I must be going insane, but the party is
In the same hall, nothing bad can happen, if I feel uncomfortable, I will be just two doors away, I just gotta stop overthinking

I'm ready to this party, let's go and see what happens, let me show Harry how wrong he is about me.

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