Chapter 4

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When I step inside Louis' apartment, I'm very surprised, this not what I was expecting...Music fills the air, but inside here everything smells very sweet, the lights and decoration look impeccable, this party is beautiful, the only unpleasant thing is the temperature here, it's too warm on account of the number of people.

By the way people  here are the opposite of what I thought, nobody has tattoos, piercings, or creepy outfits and hair , they are normal like me, normal like those I hang out with, as a matter of fact they look like millionaires from a magazine,except for the 4 punks.

This is totally weird, I just wonder how 4 punks are friends with these well-off people, maybe I ought not judge looks,remember never nothing is what it seems.

"I have been to parties before in our country and in London, but this one apparently is the best or at least the fanciest" I try to tell Rue but I'm not sure she heard me because the loud music.

As we approach the crowd I see Liam and Louis dancing, some people drinking and laughing, everyone is having a good time, I need to get a drink for me too,I've never gotten drunk, but I always enjoy drinking only one glass ,and since this is an "elegant " party the food and drinks must be with good quality.

I am about to get something to drink when I spot Harry on the sofa, and my eyes wide, for one second I think my eyes are deceiving me, I see an outrageous scene. There are 4 girls on the sofa with him, and 2 girls on his lap, he is touching them everywhere , and this is gross. The girls are stunning , look like models,their clothes are perfect, I'm pretty sure their clothes are more expensive than my car.

When Harry sees me, he doesn't bother to stand up and come talk to me, all that he does, is wave and smile amused at my shocking expression I guess, I came to this party to show him I am not boring and now he doesn't want to leave his girls to talk to me.

I feel this room getting sickly warmer than it should, I gotta leave it or I might faint, it's a normal thing I regularly get sick because my low blood pressure, besides seeing Harry with the girls is not helping either.

I get inside one of the rooms here, and it's empty,I guess it's because Louis must use just one room in this apartment, he doesn't have the necessity to have furniture in all of them.

But when I turn around I see an old dresser in the corner, I notice there are four drawers, nevertheless there are two padlocks each , this is very strange, why do they keep these drawers with 2 padlocks, there must be something very valuable for them in the drawers or it's only Louis' stuff.

I try to spot what is inside, but this is useless, all that Im able to do is try to shake the drawers and I can hear a plastic sound coming from it, I know  there is something wrong about these lads, they are too mysterious,and whatever they are up to it's related to what is kept here.

All of suden someone opens the door abruptly, I am petrified for being caught snooping.

I feel relived when I turn around and see...

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