Chapter 6: Stay

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(A/N I wanted to do Roc's P.O.V. this time, just so you'd know what happened to MB a stuff. Why they broken up. And how he feels about it.)

Roc P.O.V.  

2 days has past ... I'm so used to getting up early and started my day when I used to be in Mindless Behavior ... we had a fall out ... Me and Ray had some bad friction going on . Actually we all had bad vibe with Ray , why? Because he was so stuck up . He really let the fame get to himself. He said he didn't need us . It's been a year since we've broken up. I'm 20 now I knew that it was going to happen someday ... I wouldn't consider us getting back together . I'm fucking 20 WTF do I look like being in some little Boy Band, called"Mindless behavior" . and we all kinda grew Out of it . But in our heart, souls , and minds we are still bros .  

Ha I remember our little thing we done before we went to perform .. during our #1girl tour which was like 4 years ago.

"MB BALL SO HARD " we said clapping making the beat to it.

I'll never forget that , or my bros .. rather if we fall out or not.

We are still "MINDLESS BEHAVIOR".( imagine all four of their voices"

Enough of that.... I want to see YN again. Yes again . Its like 9:00 at night but who cares? Something is telling me to .. I already had clothes on from earlier .

I put on My Jordan's, grabs my phone and keys.I head out the door. Arriving to her house in like 7 mins . I parked my car and everything . I then knocked on the door. She answered . Opened it leaning on the door. She looked TIRED. She almost fell , I caught her waist first. I entered the house , still holding her and managing to close the door.

"YN? You ok?!" I said worried as fuck  

" I haven't sl-ee.... in 2 days! WTF AR EOU DOING HERE? " She shouted , she sounded terrible. Her voice was faded.. she was wearing shorts , pajama shorts and a hoodie. , her hair looked like hell ,it was sweating out. She gone mad . 

She nearly fell again I catched her but this time she started to fight me basically . She ran to another room . I followed her . It was her bedroom , she went into the bathroom in her bedroom she started looking through her medicine cabinets . Like she was psycho .  

"I WANT MY BABY BACK!"she Screamed on the top of her lungs .

I had to stop her ASAP . I entered the bathroom fully .. taking all the medicine away from her. Well it was mostly aspirin . She had like 4 bottle fill of these Shit!she started to fight me . YN is a tough girl , I can take her tho . I didn't want to hit her she I picked her up .

" AHH!" I screamed falling to the floor , she elbowed me in my stomach! DAMN . She started to open the medicine bottle . I kicked her literally in her ASS. She fell spilling the whole thing . It was an easier way to take her down. I didn't mean to do it to hurt her. To help . I got up and I picked her up by her waist

"ROC YOU HIT ME , YOU KICKED ME! YOU HURTED ME ENOUGH! I WANT TO DIE! I WANT TO SEE CHRISTINE .AND MY MOTHER!LET ME GO!" She Screamed crying and trying to get out my tight grip.

The closet object to put her on was her bed . Still holding her I laid down on the bed , . I had my arms wrapped around her chest . And my leg over hers. I can't let her leave.. I can't lose her again .

"YN! Stop! I can't let go you , I cannot lose you again! Stop , I love you!" I said worried and furious

She started to try to get out my grip but there was no used to , she then stopped and started to cry , It was loud enough for me to hear .

"Chresanto... stay , I want you to stay" That hit me when she said that, She's tired , and hasn't been to sleep in days , She didn't mean it. Her "sleep" is talking. I'm still going to stay though . I Refuse to let her go again...

I kicked of my shoes and I ran my fingers through her beautiful hair ..she practically cried herself to sleep . When she fell asleep I kissed her forehead . My hands were still wrapped up on her body . But not as tight.

I missed YN ... I'm glad that I swung by here , if I didn't she'd be gone . God told me to come by . Thank you god ... thank you

The guilt 

The Regret ... 

The pain  

And sweat  

I wanna change that  

I want to forget  

What I do now ,  

affects our future  

I plan to do good . . . .

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