Chapter 20: I Love You

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"I'm glad we met YN." Roc stated while swinging our hands. 

"Me to.. Ya know if we didn't met, I'd still be the same person I was. The same baddass YN, who didn't give a'f. My name would still be in the streets. "

"Then if you never saw me at that flower store, then we would never comprimise, and be where we are now.We'd still have that bad vibe we had before. We wouldn't had notice that we still loved each other."

"Ha, Yeah your right"

"Y/N , baby .. you know I love you right? I'm in love with you. When I said I won't betray you, and leave you.. I meant it. 

Thats what he says. 

He'd  agree on something

but  turn around due to a

Disruption , interference 

From a stupid mistake 

She wasn't ready

It will be like their 15 all over again.

But will he walk backwards?

Or keep walking forward.

He stopped us in our tracks, he gently grabbed my face and pressed his soft fill lips against mines. The love rushed throughout our body, the same sparks I felt about 4 years ago. But yet stronger. I felt him grip my waist, then my hands snaked around his neck. I love this feeling. I don't want anyone, or something ruin our relationship. In my kissed we smile a little, but After like 2 long mins that seemed like forever, We released. He smiled and I smiled. He grabbed my hand and we started walking again.

"Hey Remeber our first kiss?" I asked, hoping he remeber

"Ohh Yeah, I defiantly remeber. Thats the day we made it official too"


I recently got into a fight, Shit my lip is  busted right in the middle, right under my eye theres a scratch.. Even though the cut on my lip is little, and the scratch it big. it's noticeable and It hurts like... Like hell i'd say.  My mama told me to stop all this fights. But I don't listen, i beat bitches ass for a reason.. Why? Because they lovvee to talkeshit and don't back it up. I quit smoking, isn't that enough. Shit .

I went outside to take a walk, to  clear my mind.  That's what Chresanto told me to do, instead of smoking weed. This really helps, and talking to people. I'd only tell my problems to Chresanto. It's better. He's the only one trust. I walked with myhead down time to time. I passed by like 5 houses. I heard somebody call my name.

"YN!" someone shouted, I looked around. To see Chresanto walking towards me. He was shirtless, he had on basketball shorts, socks with jordan flip flops. Thats how niggas be walking around the hood. Girl walk around with pajama pants and shit. But me, I dress classy. I may have fuck around with some boys, open m legs. But nobody couldn't have said that I dressed like a little slut.

" Hey Chres" I said while looking up then back down ,I didn't want him to see my cuts. Luckily my hair was down, he prolly coul have see the cut on my lip though.

"Hey Yn. Why do you call me by  my real name? Why not Roc?"

"Because I  like it, Chresanto is different." I said while starting to walk, and of course he joined me.

"Ah I see, It is but. I don't like it. .. bu what are you doing out here walking by yourself.?"

"Nothing much, clearing my mind, like you said, Instead of smoking weed."

"Whats on your mind babe?" Wait.. He just call me babe.. The way he said it though// That sent chills down my spine for a sec. 

"Uh... A lot of stuff. ." I stated . he then put his  arm around me. Aroudn my shoulder.

"Like what.. Tell me and lift your head up. Stop looking down at the ground"  He said while lifting my head up. Moving my hair out my face

"Oh ..So this why were putting your head down. What happened?" He said not really surprised.Before I could answer someone shouted.

"YO ROC, WHY YOU WITH THAT HOE?!" Sounded like a girl.  I looked up, it was some girl, she looked familar. I took out my gun and pointed it at her, I wasn't really going to shoot, just to scare her.

"AYE STAY IN YOUR PLACE, AND MIND YOUR BUISNESS! BEFORE I BLAST YO ASS!" I said while pointing it at her, he looked like she seen a ghost.

"YN, Just ignore her, put the damn gun away." 

"Yo look I'm Sorry Don't shoot me . Don't shoot me!" She said while running the house.  I put my gun away, and started laughing. Chres didn'tlook so happy. We started walking again.

"See this is why you get in fights. You really need to ignore people. If they touch you, it a different story.   Your way to pretty for that."  He said sounding  dissapointed.

I sighed "Well It not my fault, that i have aner problems" 

He grabbed chin and lifted up my head, stopping us in our tracks. "Look I don't want you to get hurt, just try to control them ." He wiped the hair out my face, then he accidently hit my cut under my eye. 

"SSSSS, Ow! That hurts!" I said snatching away from him, I didn't mean it in a mean way but that shit hurt, it was still fresh.

"Shit, I'm sorry." He said while grabbing me, Lemme make it better"  

"No don't touch it Chres.." I said, he put his index finger over his lip telling me to hush. He then kissed my check, Then the cut under my eye. He looked on my face for anymore. He spotted my lip. Then he went in. He softly kissed my bottom lip, where the cut was. I could have felt him sucking on my bottom lip. Then  started kissing both of my lips. I couldn't help but kiss back. After we released. It got kind of awkard. He put his hand around my waist.. and we started to get back to walking.

"Your MY babe now"

"I didn't even agree to that though"  i replied.

"The kiss told it all"  I couldn't help but blush my ass off, he was damn right.

End Of Flashback.

"You fucking kissed the shit out me." 

"Hell yeah. I can do that to you again, i can do way better" He said while winking. He then pucker his lips and tried to lean it. I pushed his face away.

"Save that for later, buddy boy." 

"Aww. Love you."

"Fuck you" 


" Shutup" I  replied, playfully pushing him.  He started to laugh.

"C'mon I'm hungry." He blurted out

"Where we going?" 

"Ben And Jerry's" 

"Ok Fatass" I said while laughing.

(A/N:  Watch the ltalics Y'all! nd Please Vote and Comment!)

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