Paper or Plastic?

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So Amigos/Amigas (don't be offended, I mentioned both genders there)

My tortoise is awesome. Yeah, you probably knew that. You probably also knew that she isn't "mine" but, dreaming doesn't hurt...or does it?

We will find out in this chapter of ......THE TORTOISE IN MY BACKYARD!

So, you guys know about the tortoise, Lois. I've named her Lois, I think it fits. What you don't know (or maybe you do) is that tortoises don't drink a lot of water. It's hard to access for them, especially since they live in dry enviroments. In return, they mostly venture to roads to drink water when it rains. Think of whenever you see a turtle "crossing" the road, was it after or during a rainstorm? That's why. :)

Since we wanted our (currently or soon to be) pregnant momma to be healthy and hydrated, we gave her some water...on a plastic plate. Eh, not the smartest decision but, hey! We didn't have turtle watering supplies in our pantry closet. From then on, we embarked into the forest behind my house, as we reached her hole, we set the water-filled plate down and left.

Only when we returned did we see the mistake. Upon closing in on the crime scene (we put up some do not cross tape) we noticed the plastic plate was now half-eaten! (We didn't really put up tape.)

Our tortoise, you ask? She was missing! :O We didn't know what to do. First, we followed her tracks but, let me tell you. She knows how to cover them. We ended up face to face with a pine tree. Sneaky Ninja Turtle pulled a fast one on us.

This is where the story worsens and makes tears rim your eyes with every word you read.

Lois was missing and we couldn't find her. I had called the police and they told me that prank calling 911 was apparently "against the law."

They just didn't understand. Lois, the turtle in my backyard, was MISSING. M-I-S-S-I-N-G.

Yet, they didn't care to send a deputy to the scene to investigate or to file a report. 

Another case thrown on the back shelves, only to end up as a cold case file in years to come.

Then, a break in the case! My dogs began to bark. And bark. And bark. I went outside to look. It could possibly be a masked-cereal thief wanting to steal my Frosted Flakes or even, my Rice Krispies but, as I walked further into my backyard, what did I see?

What did my blue eyes behold?

What did the sun shine down on and sparkle?

My lost earring.

Nah, I'm kidding. It was Lois! :D

So, Our babygirl is back from her impregnating vacation and is settled back in her hole.

Now we wait. Baby Ninja Turtles, here they come. :)

Vote and Comment because Lois would want you to.

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