Naked or Homeless?

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If a turtle loses it's shell, is it naked or homeless?

Doesn't matter. Lois is a torotise, so that doesn't apply to her.

If so then, she'd be naked. Since tortoises have burrows.

Learning new things everyday, eh? I heard that joke slash trick question from my sister today.  I found it pretty funny and slightly amusing. Thought I'd share. Well, I had to share it.

I was forced.

See, I told Lois the joke a little earlier and she threatened me. She told me she'd go public with the paper plate incident if I didn't comply. So here I am, posting about a turtle joke which is actually irrelevant to this entire story.

In other news, (I've always wanted to say that) Lois is just chilling. She's eating raspberries. Nibbling on some plants that I don't know the name of. Walking around in the sand. She still covers her tracks.

I think she does this because she is afraid spanish squirrels will follow her.

What are Spanish squirrels, you ask?

They're normal squirrels. I just think all squirrels are Spanish. They have to be. Just think about it.

.....No? You're not feeling that? Well, maybe it's just me then.

Whoa, I really get sidetracked. Anyway, Lois. Let's get down to business, right?

The tortoise is doing great and if I was some cool nautre guru or some awesome tortoise expert, I'd go into COMPLETE detail about how I can tell how far along pregnant she is. But, I'm not.

I get my information from Discovery Channel documentaries and Google.

Because, who needs to actually go to school and learn about topics, when you can just google it?

No one, that's who. Well....except those nature gurus and awesome tortoise experts.

So, I'm not sure when Lois will be going into labor (do tortoises go into labor?)  or the exact health of the ninja turtles inside her but, what I do know is this:

Lois loves me.

[Even though she threatens me.]

I also know that she loves you.

So vote, comment, and fan.

[Or she'll threaten you.]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2011 ⏰

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