Chapter 4: Nolan Corzett and The Princess

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Chapter 4

Nolan Corzett and The Princess


As they walked further, out from the crater that she had accidentally made. She wondered if it was safe trusting the Hybrid. She had enough time to figure out what he was, a child between a higher rank of werewolves and a witch. He reminds her the couple she had met when she sneaked back home once.

In all her travels, no one had ever lent her a hand. She had met her best friend, also a powerful witch, when she saved her from being attacked by Jewaina. A giant bird with the wingspan of 20 feet covered with sharp jewels.

"What's your name, by the way?" He asked her after a long while of silence, not even turning his back. He had broad shoulders with dark brown ruffled hair. He was pretty good looking, in her case. "I'm Nolan."

"Lucille. My name's Lucille." As soon as the words were said, he stopped and whirled around to face her, right when she realized that they must've arrived already. In front of her is a house, a simple one-story house. It had a moderate size.

"Welcome to my house." He told her, sliding a metal stick on some hole in the door. "I know it's not much, but that's what I'm given with. I live alone, don't worry. Come on, Lucy." Nolan said, opening the door and letting her inside first before following suit. Surprisingly it was cleaner than she quite expected and nicer.

"Lucy?" She inquired.

Nolan smiled, "Your nickname, don't you have one?" She didn't have one sadly. No one really called her by her name. It was really rare, mostly they called her some name like Your Highness or Princess. She hated being called that, but they insist, for formalities her dad said.

He guided her to the couch and asked her if she wanted anything to drink or eat. She frowned, a dark cloud hovering over her at the feeling of confusion and helplessness. Lucille despised being powerless especially in the mercy of a stranger. She was usually alone to figure things out. Lucille had studied everything about each dimension to their past, language, cultures, modern times, everything but until he doesn't tell her where she is, Lucille would have a hard time.

He left her for the time being, which instantly alerted her thinking that he must have some plan, but he came back with a glass of water. Nolan settled it in front of her while she took it hesitantly wondering if it was poisoned but when she couldn't smell any; Lucille took a tentative sip which revealed to be water before gulping it all down. Marveled at the new taste, which she'd never had. Each was different, in all she's gone through.

"I'm sure you have some questions. I'll try to answer as best as I could." He stated, smiling at her and sat on the chair right in front of her.

Lucille sat on the couch stiffly, all the while Nolan was completely relaxed. "I want to know what dimension I am in."

Nolan sat straight up, not knowing what to reply. What dimension? There's only one and that's the one he had now. What else could there be? "Uh...First dimension? All I know is we're in planet Earth, the year is 2015.The 21st century."

Earth.... she thought, amazed. She couldn't believe her luck! Lucille had always believed that to come to Earth, which is the first dimension. This was the place she'd study more than others. The place her father hated to talk about in front of her or forbid her to learn more about it.

She was here.

If Lucille had not been so tired, it would've been easy to figure it out but she had to fight 3 water dragons in the last dimension and barely got a break before her dad's minions decided to appear. A part of her wanted to go back home, but she didn't want to be stuck in that palace forever. She wanted to bring sparks to her dull, miserable long life and so she decided to jump from dimension to dimension; staying there for maybe about quinquennium, if she doesn't really like the place. If she does, maybe about a decade, that is, if they didn't find her.

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