The Beauty of My Coldness/ Prologue

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"Hello!" Lucy looked at the mission paper then the time. "This is the right place." The guys must be at school. She thought. Lucy walked inside and went up the stairs. She was immediately pinned to the wall. She then saw the crimson orbs of a guy. He grabbed her paper.

She tried to grab it but was too short to teach it. The guy chuckled Theer as she tried to reach him. He read it out loud.

" Stay at the mukami residence for a year and do not leave or else. Oh, so you're Lucy Heartfilia." She nodded. "My brothers will be here later. Follow me to your room." Lucy followed him. He grabbed her and pushed her into his room. He pinned her against the wall and bit her. She tried to push back but he dug his nails into her. She saw her life flash into for her eyes. Then everything went dark. Lucy felt a hand on hers. She opened her eyes and saw her mom.

"LuLu I want you to live."

"Mama" Her tears came down her face. Lucy sat up fast and hugged her.

"I missed you"

"Lucy I want you to live your life. If you want to get away from him get away. All I can do is watch you and protect you when I can. I just can't protect you from him."


"Don't think about it just complete the mission for me.''

"I will''

''One more thing Lucy."

"Hai mama''

"I love you. "

" I love you too." Lucy gasped for air and woke up. She heard the city streets. Lucy sat up and looked around. She saw she was in an ally. She heard a chuckle. For some reason, it scared her.

She stood up and, felt a hand on her waist.

"You actually lived." The person behind her pulled her closer to his chest. "I like you. "

"Who are you? "

"Yuma" She tried to break free. She tried to scream but Yuma covered her mouth. He turned her around making her face him. "You can't leave until your one year of living with us is up.'' She felt him push her. She slid down the brick wall.


"So starting now is when you will suffer."

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