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"And you would like some extra cream on it, yes?" I asked, my eyes never leaving the computer screen.

The customer, an old man probably way over eighty years old, gave me the cutest gummy smile, "Of course. You know me way too well, Hinata."

I pulled the plastic cup out, "It's because you're one of my most loyal customer, Shiro-san. Your mint chocolate chip frappe will be out in a few minutes."

"I don't have to pay this time?"

I shook my head, "It's your wife's anniversary today. The drink is on me."

"You remembered?" the old man gasped.

"Of course," I smiled.

He looked away for a bit, probably taking a moment to remember his late wife. The widower and his wife used to come to the Leaf Cafe every Friday in the afternoon when I worked. I remember she was a beautiful woman, with almost the same toothless smile that made you feel all warm inside. She was also very kind and would refuse to order from any of my other co-workers. Whenever they walked in at 5 o'clock sharp, they'd walk right up to me. Too bad she passed about a year ago. Now, it's only Shiro-san and his usual mint chocolate chip frappe.

"You are such a caring young lady," the old man complimented me. "Any of those foolish boys at that university of yours would be so lucky to have you."

Uh, not likely. I'm just the Pale-eyed Freak to them.

"I'll have your frappe out right away sir," I said, setting to work on the drink gesturing for one of my co-workers to take the cashier while I did.

What's the point of that? All the guys every see me is some freak with different colored eyes and a brain. All through my school life, I've been known as an alien because of my pale eyes and because I was always acing every single assignment and test given.

Any boy would be lucky to have me, huh? Yeah, I doubt it. I gotta focus on graduating first then enter the prestigious Konoha University School of Medicine with an acceptance rate of seventeen percent. Until then, I can't make friends at the university because they'd only be distractions.

Let alone have a boyfriend.

"Hyuga-san," the co-worker, an eighteen year old boy that attends the local high school suddenly panted beside me. "Can you handle the next customer? I have to get more ice."

I nodded, taking the frappe out of the blender. I called to Shiro-san over the counter before jumping back to the cashier.

"Welcome to the Leaf Cafe, how may I help you?"


I locked the door of the cafe before bidding the co-worker good night. The walk to my dorm is about five minutes down the main street of downtown Konoha then through the soccer field. The streets are nicely lit and the residents (mainly students from the University) are still out and about.

Nobody knows I work at the cafe because the owner didn't allow any of the students to hang out there. The last time they were, a fight broke out between the captain of the basketball team and the soccer team over a cheerleader last year a week before I was hired. The boss didn't like the students in the first place, the fight just did it for her. Yuki-san, the boss, swore I was the only one she could ever like from the university because I don't associate myself with them.

The practice field for Konoha University came into view. The lights are on? Why? It's a quarter to nine and room checks are at nine. It might just be some of the janitors cleaning up after the practice.

Nope that is not a janitor making a half field goal... that's -

Dammit... it's him!

I picked up my pace, walking around the fence to get to the dorms without being caught, my heart racing my footsteps as I sped walked.

"Hey! Watch out!"

At the exact moment, I couldn't comprehend a single word that voice was saying or warning. I simply heard a sound then turned to the source of it; never a second thought. But when some kind of round, very hard object hit my head I woke up from the trance I was in.

With a now hard pounding headache, I fell backwards; my butt hitting the sidewalk pretty hard. I grabbed my head, trying to calm it but it was no use.

"Hey! Hey!" sudden beautiful blue eyes were in front of mines. "Are you alright? I didn't hit you hard did I?" the eyes frantically scanning my face; looking for any signs of any physical damage.

"N-no," I murmured.

That didn't stop him, "Do you feel like you're going to throw up or somethin'? Shit, I'm so sorry! I just got into the moment... dammit, I'm sorry! Let me get you to the hospital!"

"T-that's no necessary," I shook my head. Ow... "I'll be f-fine. I just need a night rest, that's all."

I was half in reality half out, the energy I had earlier when I was determined to walk across without being spotted completely drained out of me.

A hand suddenly touched my cheek, "You're burning up!"

I met his eyes for the first time that night. The moment I did, however, he nearly fell over from his crouched position; those blue eyes swimming with surprise, shock and confusion. Then in a moment's notice, it became recognition.

"I-I'm fine," I had to get out of here. And luckily, I had enough energy to swat his hand away and sat those two lines.

"No way," I must've completely lost my mind or something because my butt was no longer touching the cold sidewalk it was a few seconds before. Some weird objects were looped under the back of my knees and one around my back. "I'm getting you to the docs right away! I can't leave you all injured like that!"

That was it. No, that's not right. That wasn't the last thing I remembered before completely blacking out for who knows how long.

"It's alright, hold on tight and don't let go," those were the words...and that unforgettable smile somehow soothing as my eyelids growing heavier and heavier. "I got you. I'll get you safely to the hospital, Hinata-chan. Believe it!"

Uzumaki...san; thank you.

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now