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I had to close up that night after my little 'break-up' with Naruto. The boss had to run home early and Marou had some kind of fake emergency so I told them to go ahead as I started scrubbing the table. All the while, my mind was completely somewhere else. I guess you can say it was on a particular blonde.

Had I ruined the only friendship I had since I was like five? Sure, I've just officially met him recently but I have noticed Naruto for the longest time because we went to high school together, in the same class together yet he only figured my name recently. I sighed, I was foolish to think that he actually wanted to be a friend of mines when he never even bothered to learn my name before. And who's this person who told him my name in the first place? It's not like I care but at least someone has the effort to learn my name and remember it.

It was already dark out because it was December. I have to finish faster so I can run back to the dorms without getting followed by some creep. Enough about Naruto, safety first Hinata.

I returned to scrubbing down two more tables moving on to the last when a soft knock sounded at the door. I froze completely, almost too afraid to look up and find some kind of pervert trying to get in. Or maybe some kind of demonic creature. I have heard stories about how haunted this area was... 

The knocking came again, a little more gently this time. Whoever or whatever out there, is trying to make themselves seem a less intriguing but the damage is done. I have a towel and I'm not afraid to use it. Don't try breaking in, stranger otherwise I will strangle you.

"Hinata-chan," hey, I know that voice!

All the fear dissolved almost immediately. N-no way. I clearly told him to go home, why the hell did he return?! He clearly does not do well with rules that's for sure.

I looked up from my scrubbing and sure enough there he was. He was wearing a simple orange hoodie and some black sweats. His whiskered face turned into a smile when I met his lively ocean eyes. 

I left the wet towel on the table and walked to the door. Our eyes stayed on each others for another few seconds before I turned the lock to the glass door and opened it.

"Why did you come back, N-Naruto-kun?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I told you already that Konoha University students aren't allow in this cafe."

Naruto stuffed his hands in his hoodie pockets, never losing his smile, "I came back because I had the feeling you wouldn't want to walk home alone. Especially since it's this dark and you have no idea how many weirdos are out at this time."

I could think of one, "It's fine, really. The walk from here to my dorm is only five minutes away. Nothing bad will happen so you can just go back to your own room."

"Not gonna happen, Hinata-chan," he sighed. "Look, I have no idea what happened between us this afternoon but I'm letting you know now that as your friend, I'm walking you home tonight."

"Naruto-kun -"

He held up a hand, "I'm staying right here until you're done, believe it."

"But -"

The soccer player covered my mouth suddenly, "I'm not leaving, Hinata-chan. Final. Just finish up so we can leave. It's getting really cold out there."

The determination behind Naruto's eyes continued blazing and I know I lost this argument. There's no way he's leaving now, that's for sure. I guess just this once, this one time, I'll let him walk me home.

He removed his hand so I inwardly sighed, "Alright. Just sit there, I only have a few other things to do then we can go."

I turned my back to return to my job but someone wouldn't let me. A sudden resistance grabbed my elbow with force but still gentle nonetheless. It didn't hurt me in any way but it was enough to stop me in my tracks.

I looked over my shoulder at Naruto, "What is it?"

"Can you by chance," he smiled sheepishly. "Make me another order of that peppermint mocha? I think I'm obsessed with it to be honest... he he."


We walked in silence, our footsteps matching one another almost perfectly. Like I said almost, the heel of my boots would touch the cement about .45 milliseconds before his did. Yeah, I'm counting and yes it's hella awkward. I did literally tell him off the last time we saw each other yet here he is; back as if nothing ever happened.

The last time I spoke to him, I gave him a free small peppermint mocha before leaving the cafe. He said thanks and then it's been silence ever since which felt like forever (3 minutes actually). 

"Hey Hinata-chan," he started, a puff of smoke leaving his mouth.

I looked over at him, "Yes?"

He looked at me a little surprised that I actually answered. What's up with that?

"Oh I-I was just wondering," his sheepish smile returned but I didn't miss him shuttering. Naruto Uzumaki? The Naruto Uzumaki shuttering? Has pigs finally learned to fly or something? 

I've heard rumors that he's the most confident person around. Whatever he said or did, he never hesitated because he's the believer that you can't succeed if you give up or something sappy like that.

"If you ever had a... boyfriend?" I saw the ocean blue eyes look at me out of the corner. 

Hold the phone... where the heck did that question come from?! Did the Naruto Uzumaki just ask me about my love life?! Seriously, have pigs been flying and I never saw one?

"Why do you a-ask?"

"So that's a never?" he didn't answer my question in stead he answered his own. 

I cast my eyes down to my feet in attempt to hide my sudden burning face. It was an embarrassing question but if he already knew the answer...

Then why ask?

"Hinata-chan," the footsteps besides me suddenly stopped. I took one, two more ahead before stopping altogether. 

I looked up at Naruto, curious as to why his voice suddenly sounded so... so serious? Another aspect I thought Naruto never had. But then again, I honestly know almost absolutely nothing about him at all.

I blinked once, twice confused as to why he stopped so suddenly. The street light illuminating his distracted face. 

He wasn't looking at me. Naruto's own eyes were glued to the floor in front of him. Suddenly, I saw his chest raise dramatically and fall then once again; both times his mouth opened to release the frozen breath he drew. With another big dramatic breath, he met my eyes with his; the determination from earlier returned.

"Hinata-chan," he repeated my name once more. 

What is he going to sa-

"Will you go out with me?"

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz