Chapter 1 - We Travel To Berlin To Negotiate Our Agent's Release.

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MR X - Chapter 1 - We Travel To Berlin To Negotiate Our Agent's Release

It was nearly 8am when I was stirred by the sound of my alarm clock going off, I had just awoken from a terrifying dream.

Needless to say in this dream I was a pilot in a spitfire plane which was being targeted by a Messerschmitt German plane,it pounced on it's prey like a giant panther hunting a gazelle.

The sound of my alarm had coincided with the sirens which of course were the fire engines making their way to the disaster scene.
Any way this was only a dream and my day had just begun,I quickly made myself a cup of "Lofbergs" which I am reliably informed is Sweden's number one best selling coffee.

After taking a shower and putting some clean clothes on I made my way to the front door where I was surprisingly greeted by the postman.

"You're up early this morning mate",he exclaimed as he looked at me and gave me my mail before walking off.

A few seconds later I heard the sound of a car horn it was Michael, he had come to pick me up and take me to our office,Michael like myself worked in the home office for MI5.

Few if any words were spoken between us en route as we never talked about work due to the secrecy act and neither of us had any close family to discuss those sensitive topics.

"How's Aline these days"? I asked Michael, he just shrugged his shoulders ,"ok I guess from what I see of her",he replied.

We soon approached "Marble arch" and entered "Trafalgar square" via "Mayfair", our office was just off "Oxford street".

"So here we are Mike, another day another dollar I guess, what's on the agenda for today?, any meetings?",I enquired.

He ignored my question and remained his usual silent self before following on behind me as we entered the building.

"Good morning chaps" exclaimed Mr. Green our superior in command"and a splendid one it is too" I replied.

We were then briefed about today's agenda and our main meetings which would prove interesting though Mr.Green wouldn't go in to too much detail, suffice to say that both of us would have to brush up on our German.

Coffee was taken at 11am and a short while afterwards we got to the business end of the day which was our meeting.

"Right Gentlemen I won't beat around the bush and get to the point of why we are here this morning.

One of our agents has been lifted last night in Potsdamer Berlin and we want him back",he said.

He continued to explain the urgency attached to regaining our kidnapped agent, knowing classified information in the wrong hands could seriously damage both ourselves and the cold war alliance.

It was 1958 and Germany had been divided up by the alliance forces and the Soviets,Berlin was indeed the most sensitive city in western Europe being the crossroads to the iron curtain.

Our mission was to fly to East Germany and find out what we could do to find out about the whereabouts of our agent prior to his disappearance.

Our instructions were to make contact with a chap called Housemartin who would act as a third party agent mediator.

Our flight was booked for 7pm from "Heathrow airport" flying to "Tempelhof airport", we would stay at the "Grand Hyatt Hotel" in "Potsdamer Platz".

After a second meeting with Mr.Green we made our way from the office to the airport via taxi.

There wasn't much time to grab any clothes or valuable essentials not to mention say our goodbyes to our friends and work colleagues.

The journey from work to the airport went without any serious delays and we were now awaiting check in though neither one of us had any baggage.

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