Chapter 2 - Contact Is Made With The Kidnappers As Mike Is Held At Gun Point

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MR X - Chapter 2 - Contact Is Made with The Kidnappers As Mike Is Held At Gun Point

I was having a restless nights sleep and began to awake every hour on the hour, maybe I was filled with guilt or perhaps it had something to do with my new surroundings.

Either way it had a profound affect on me as I got out of bed at 2 am and made myself a stiff drink from the mini bar.I was about to take a sip from my drink when suddenly there was a knock at the door.

I was some what startled and wondered who should wake me up so early,I made my way to the door and was surprised to discover that it was Mike.

"What are you doing at my door at this early hour?" I exclaimed,he looked pale faced and pensive in his expression.

I soon realised that he wasn't alone and that someone was pointing a gun to his temple,the man who was behind him came into my view and pushed Mike across the room.

Suddenly this menacing figure pointed the gun at me and exclaimed,"now get this if you want your agent returned alive you better come up with the money today.

We will leave our terms and conditions by hand mail at your hotel's reception",the man then made a quick exit towards the lift area in the hallway.Both of us were left to reflect on our experience.

"Well what do you make of that?",I asked Mike "It beats me too" he replied, I later phoned Mr.Green's office that morning and he told us to sit tight and await them to contact us.

We waited until 3 PM but heard nothing from them,both of us checked with reception on the hour every hour.

Then suddenly at 4 PM we received a phone call in my room, a letter had been left at reception,
I quickly made my way down the stairs and read the note.

We were told to meet at "Berlin Alexander Platz" at 9 pm,that would give us about 6 hours to arrange to contact our superiors and discuss the matter in hand.

Nothing was mentioned of the ransom previously discussed.

We pondered on our next move and Mike began to panic, "what happens if they are expecting us to find $500,000,we can't find that kind of money in such a short space of time " he exclaimed.

Mr Green had told us to make our way to the  designated rendezvous with them and see what they had to say regarding the release of our man.

I wasn't happy about this meeting as we had no protection, neither one of us had a fire arm and we could be walking in to a trap.

We decided to split up and make our separate ways to the meeting point then observe their arrival from a secluded location.

The time approached 9 pm and suddenly we could see two men making their way towards the monument in the Square.

There was no sign of any vehicles nearby which might have concealed our agent within the vehicle.

One of the men was indeed Housemartin,he looked a little nervous as he made his way towards me.

"Housemartin what a pleasant surprise",I exclaimed, there was another guy who accompanied him who made his way towards me but Mike remained hidden.

It was his job to observe the meeting in case something should happen to me.

"Now get this mister I want the money in used notes delivered to this address in "Tiergarten Strasse" by lunchtime tomorrow,.

If you fail to bring the money then you will have one dead agent on your hands if you get my drift?,he said.

"But sir " I exclaimed, the two men made a hasty exit soon after and we were left to reflect on their conversation with us.

"What shall we do Mike?",I exclaimed, I quickly phoned our office and spoke with Mr.Green who was adamant that we would not do business with terrorists or extortionists.

We both made our way back to the hotel and discussed our next move.

Despite Mr.Green's refusal to do business with the kidnappers I was convinced that we may never see our agent again and this was causing me great concern.

"Well what shall we do Mike?".I exclaimed "we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.

I suggest that one of us go to the arranged meeting point tomorrow and the other observe like we did today.",I said.

Mike smiled at me and then said,"well so long as I am the one doing the observing that's fine".

We spent the remaining part of the day checking out the rendezvous-vous site as well as indulging in a few local beers at the local pub.

The sunlight was beginning to fade and we checked out a few other local attractions in Berlin  including the local zoo just to fill our time.

It was getting late now and I was becoming worried, how on earth we could come up with a plan to double cross our foes without getting ourselves killed.

Then I thought of a master plan,I would use newspaper instead of the cash and then bundle them in to a suitcase and place a few thousand notes on top of the newspaper.

Luckily I could get my hands on DM-. 10,000 and I began to pack the suitcase at the hotel, it wasn't my money after all I had just accessed it from our expenses account via the local bank.

I had just finished my packing the money when Mike entered the room with a guest.

Allow me to introduce you to Aline, she's flown in from Munich today,we have been friends for over 2 years and she has come to help us with this audacious plan",he said.

I scratched my head and then said," nice knowing you I'm sure but now can you help us?, you haven't told her everything about the case have you Mike?.

We are sworn to the British secrecy remember the official act we signed before joining the MI5",I said.

Anyway he had told her a few things about the plot to recover the agent and we were going to use her as a bag girl,she would drop the money off and we would follow in pursuit.

Apparently her father was some big cheese in the local police department in Munich, maybe a chief detective or whatever their equivalent was.

I decided to turn in for the night after enjoying a nice fish supper back at the hotel which I had ordered by room service,it was make or break time and tomorrow would prove the pinnacle stage in the whole assignment.

The night hours passed quite quickly but I don't know how I managed to gain restful sleep with all of the constant worries occupying my mind.

Then there were those two love birds who were testing out the mattress springs in the room next door to me and groaning like two actors in a porn movie.

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