Chapter 3 - Our Agent Is Released Only For Us To Make A Shocking Discovery

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MR X -  Chapter 3 - Our Agent Is Released Only For Us To Make A Shocking Discovery
After breakfast me and Mike set out our plans for the day and went our separate ways.

I would go for a coffee at a local cafe and join up with him 10 minutes before the exchange was due to be made.

I sat there puffing away on my HB cigarette waiting for the long hand on my watch to reach the top of the hour.

It had seemed an eternity,at last I got up and made my way to our rendezvous point and awaited Mike's arrival whilst considering our impending fate.

At last Mike arrived just in time as this large black van arrived in the square and two burly guys immediately got out of the parked vehicle.

They both looked like wrestlers or bodyguards, one carried a sawn off shot gun and they both had balaclavas on to conceal their identity.

Then I noticed a man being dragged out of the back of the van,he looked limp and might have been dead from what I could see of him though his face was covered.

I made my way bravely to the other two men and began to chat, "so you have brought our agent with you,I exclaimed.

The first man looked at me then started to make hand gestures rubbing his fingers together, I understood this to mean give me the money.

"Not so fast we need to check on the condition of our agent before you see any of the ransom money",the agent's torso was hidden in a body bag as I checked his pulse.

His eyes were dilated which wasn't a good sign, " he looks really heavily sedated Mike I can just about make out a faint pulse",Mike exclaimed.

Aline suddenly appeared on the scene and threw the bag of money in the way of the two other guys who hastily started to count it.

We would now have to figure out how we were going to get our agent out of here,should they discover that the bag contained mainly newspaper cuttings of the national newspaper "Die Bild" with a few thousand notes.

The other guy seemed happy enough and threw the bag in to the front seat of the van and sped off towards the north of the city.
"It looks like we've pulled this one off" Aline said, I shrugged my shoulders and then said "we are not out of the woods yet".

We decided to call an ambulance and get our patient checked out as he might die on us and then we would have had a wasted trip trying to rescue him in the first place I thought.

As Aline had connections in Berlin and spoke the native language she proved invaluable as we made our way to the local Krakenhaus.

We ordered a taxi which was late arriving and it was starting to get very cold as it was only early March.

At last the taxi arrived and we all got in and arrived at the hospital in the latter part of the  afternoon,our agent was taken to intensive care and checked out, his condition looked critical.

We sat outside the main examining room on the corridor and awaited any news on his condition.

It seemed an age before we finally saw a doctor who only spoke German, so Aline would act as our interpreter.

"I'm afraid it's bad news,about half an hour a go we lost the patient,he had slipped in to a coma and we couldn't bring him around.

"We did everything we could but he was so drugged up and his body was in a bad way I'm so sorry",explained the doctor via Aline's translation.

That was that we were left with a corpse on our hands and nowhere to bury him what were we to do?,I thought to myself.

By now the villains would have realised that they has been short changed and would hunt us down for sure.

"Oh no,do you think they will go to our hotel?", I exclaimed,they will look for us there first and we are done for now I thought.

I decided to phone Mr.Green to keep him up to speed with our developments,I was halfway through my conversation with him when suddenly Aline came running up to me and shouted out.

It's Mike he's vanished along with the body too,"I was in a state of shock as I put the phone down.

We began our search for Mike and the corpse,surely they wouldn't get far, what could have happened to them I thought?.

The mystery deepened and I became very concerned when I spotted a pool of blood near to a piece of clothing which looked like part of Mike's jacket that he had worn today.

We were indeed in trouble and neither one of us could go back to the hotel and I had no money on me what were we to do?,I thought to myself.

Then Aline offered to lend me some money so we could stay at another pension in the city for the night,she was very calm considering she had just lost her friend and my colleague.

We made our way to "Pallas pension hotel" on "Wegenkamp Strasse",which was quite near to the hospital and checked in as Mr & Mrs Henry .Smith a newly wed couple, I think not!.

I needed to go back to the hotel to collect a few of our belongings and MI5 data,because if these classified  documents got in to the hands of our enemies it could seriously harm our governments defence position.

Luckily for me I managed to avoid contact with anyone at the hotel  as I dragged two suitcases in to the lift.

I had already arranged transportation by booking a taxi for the short trip between the two hotels.

I wouldn't have too much of an ordeal of having to carry them in to the hotel as a porter immediately came to my assistance.

I made my way upstairs to our room in the pension then my jaw dropped,"there's only one bed and just look how small it is,that's it I'll sleep on the couch," I said to myself.

Aline would hear none of it and replied "if I am a married woman in the eyes of the law I expect my husband to be compliant and sleep with me",she said.

I smiled at her as we both began to laugh and then she said,"I'm only joking of course you have the couch,I'll have the bed".

Well the humour of our situation broke the ice between us as we discussed our next move.

We would have to alert the police and risk the wrath of our government since Aline's dad would prove invaluable in our predicament.

I awoke after a long sleep with the early morning sun casting shadows across the room and in to my eyes.

My back felt like it was broken after a night on the couch but at least it was better than the park bench, I thought to myself.

I looked around the room but couldn't see Aline maybe she had gone out for a walk or gone for some breakfast,I thought to myself.

Then I noticed a small note which was attached to my pillow which I began to read.

"Good Morning I have just gone out to discuss this delicate matter with my father and then I will return with his verdict please be patient as he is a busy man see you soon love Aline.

I awaited for what seemed an eternity until she sprang in to the room looking rather startled and out of breath.

What's wrong?",I exclaimed, but before she could speak she collapsed to the floor like a sack of potatoes,there seemed to be a large quantity of blood which was pouring out from a neck wound.

Oh no I thought they must have followed me by taxi last night then laid in wait for us,we were dealing with evil men here perhaps a militia of some sort,I thought to myself.

Aline eventually regained consciousness and told me that she had been hit by a blunt instrument when leaving the hotel.

She came round when a passer by had noticed her lying on the pavement but before they could raise the alarm she had fled the scene.

So where was Mike and our dead agent?,I thought to myself and why were these people playing games with us? I was desperately hoping for closure soon from this nightmare scenario.

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