Chapter 4 - Mike And The Dead Agent Resurface As MI5 Close In On The Kidnappers

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MR X - Chapter 4 - Mike & The Dead Agent Resurfaces As MI5 Close In On The Kidnappers
After a long nights rest I suddenly found myself all alone.
Aline had stayed overnight at the local hospital in order for the doctors to allow her proper rest and undertake tests to ensure her health improved.

I got dressed and made my way out to the pension hotel,I visited a local cafe shop for a bite to eat then made contact with Whitehall to keep Mr.Green informed of the latest developments.

I quickly placed a 5-DM coin in to the slot and the phone started to ring at the London office, a soft feminine voice answered and then I realised that it was not Mr.Green.

"So where is he?" I enquired to the lady, the woman said that he had left the country and was on his way to Berlin today.

I quickly realised that I was talking to his secretary,she informed me that he knew where I was staying and would brief me on his arrival.

All arrangements had been put in place for his arrival including a taxi from the airport and his hotel for the night, I was not to worry about anything.

I left the phone booth and made my way to the hospital where I would check on Aline's Condition.

I arrived at reception only to be told that Aline had checked herself out earlier in the morning and that she had mentioned her concern for Mike's safety.

I didn't know what to think as this whole business was becoming a real strain on me and I returned to my hotel somewhat puzzled and perplexed.

When I arrived back at the hotel just before midday I noticed two familiar figure standing at the main reception.

It was Mike and Aline, she must have found him somehow I thought,Hiya guys what's cooking?,I exclaimed.

The two of them looked in poor health,Aline had a bandage on her blood stained neck and Mike was walking with the help of a stick.

He had evidently taken a bit of a beating and was picked up by the police after his unconscious body had been discovered near the road side not far from the hospital.

Not much conversation ensued with any of us thereafter and we all went for something to eat in the local restaurant.

We were half way through eating our main course when a familiar chap greeted us with his presence.

It was good old Mr.Green,so at last we could all start to unravel this mystery with the help of our MI5 chief of intelligence.

He was quite concerned that it would remain a British secret service matter and that the local police would not be allowed to get too involved.

We all went for a large brandy in the lounge area of the hotel whilst Aline made a phone call to her family.

Our chief was keeping a close eye on her and wanting me to report on her movements in view of his previous statement.

We had been waiting for what seemed an eternity but there still wasn't any news or developments on this ongoing saga.

Maybe the kidnappers would come back for all of their money as they had been ripped off,I thought to myself.

Aline later informed us that she would return to Munich soon,as her job was only being kept open for a while at "The Goethe Institute" where she worked.

Mr.Green was very uncomfortable about this prospect and asked me if I could accompany her on the trip to Munich.

He suggested to convince her that I was to act as her bodyguard,she might be in serious danger because these men had identified her and might try to snuff her out.

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