Chapter sixteen

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Warning: Major humiliation

Harry took a step back as his phone began jolting on one corner. He pretty much assumed that it was a phone call seeing to it that the ringing was continuous. Harry chose not to answer the call since he knew it was probably just Max asking him again to come back. He shook his head and continued with his deal on making him and Zayn’s dinner since Tricia won’t be home till the morning while his dad worked overseas, Zayn had no siblings so both were left to guard the house. A satisfied smirk formed on Harry's face after the tone died.

Before long his phone started ringing again, much to his annoyance. Harry sauntered out the kitchen and headed towards the living room to seize his phone off the coffee table. He was more than ready to reject the call but the caller ID that shone bright on his phone screen rather made his whole system tensed.

Harry had a brief mental deliberation on whether to reject the phone call, or answer and talk to his brother. But he thought this could be a great chance, since talking to him personally would only cause him a lot of injuries, so why not take this opportunity to start up a conversation through the line. Therefore, he chose the latter.

“Hello...” he spoke, quite shaky.

“You have 7 clients for this night, 3 of them are already waiting. Get your fucking arse here.” Louis claimed monotonously but Harry could still feel the venoms dripping on every word. But he wasn’t scared, not anymore.

“Go fuck them yourself Louis! I’ve had enough of your mindless controlling! You won’t see me nor my shadow anymore at your disgusting filthy pub!” Harry couldn’t believe it but he was actually arguing back. He had to admit that he was still partially petrified but the excitement within him was taking over his apprehension. This was his first time retaliating over his own right and he was so proud that he showed no sign of fear as he spoke with Louis.

It took a short while before Louis huffs a croaky laugh. He primarily settled in for a momentary silence as he meditated his brother’s absurdity. After the fleeting laughter, Louis cleared his throat. Though the humor on his tone was still noticeable as he struggled to verbalize the words out of his mouth between hysterical fits.

“Oh Harry, don’t you dare say that. You’re gonna regret those words even left your mouth.” he chuckled vilely, being the usual villain he was.

“NO LOUIS! I fucking won’t! I regret nothing you crazy lonely bastard!” Harry was quick to contradict, hanging up as fast as he could before Louis himself could utter a word or mockery. And it all felt very satisfactory once again, cursing on his own brother was the second best feeling he ever had in years.

Louis was stupefied. Not in a thousand years had he ever thought that Harry would communicate to him with such defiance. But the smart man didn’t let his wrath overpower his stance, instead he made use of his cleverness to even the score. Harry angered him, but his come back would be much better than angering Harry. Louis had planned a new and bigger sense of mortification. He speed dialed a familiar number and waited for it to be answered. As soon as the receiver spoke a grouchy 'what?!', a puckish smirk was then developed on his face.

“Can you do me a favor?”

And so the negotiation begun whereas Louis was so full of himself that by the end of the day Harry would regret his mother even carried him in her belly. And that soon enough the curly lad would come crawling back to him with bloodshot eyes, regretting he ever left the one place he truly belonged.

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